Together in Starlight

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From the thirteen dwarves that accompanied Bilbo on his trip there were only three that had not died yet. The great Thorin Oakensheild and his nephews Kili and Fili. They were still fighting strong like they were taught to do as children. Dwarves will fight to the death and never give up. It takes a strong heart to never give up. 

            "Fili! No!" cried Thorin.

            I turn to see him running over to his nephew as fast as he can but it is too late. The sward of an orc plunges into Fili's heart. One elven soldier's arrow hits the orc but it is too late. There is no way to save him. Thorin runs over to his nephew and wrapping his strong arms around him. I can't hear what he was saying to him but I know that he is saying it through his tears. That's when I see the first arrow pierce Thorin in the back, and then more fly towards him. But they never reach him; Kili had stopped them from landing into his uncle. By using himself as a target.

            I can't move, can't  breathe. Kili is going to die and there is nothing that I can do to save him. I run towards him, not even noticing my bow slip through my fingers. I reach him and hold his cold bloody body against mine.

            "Kili, Kili please no, no don't die. You cannot die, please." I sobbed.

            A sharp pain shots through my stomach, and as I look down I see a single arrow. Then another, and another. I don't know what to do so I just lie next to Kili, and intertwine our fingers. I run my fingers through his hair and cry. Remembering the way he would braid mine. Even though I know I will not see the end of the battle I know good will win. Good always prevails over evil.

            "Kili, I love you. I knew I did the moments the orc told me you were going to die. That's the reason I came after you because I love you."

            He doesn't answer and that is how I know that he is dead.

            "Now we can walk forever in starlight together." I whisper into his ear with the last of my breath.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 03, 2015 ⏰

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