Aido's POV

I went and grabbed a towel to clean Akiro up, I looked at him with concern, "Are you okay?" I didn't know why he was rejecting the blood at first but then I remembered something, an old story about halfbreeds. Vampires were never meant to live, so when a natural creature that wasn't human was half turned they could only drink from the person that turned them. Since there was never anything human in him to begin with, he doesn't need human blood. I pulled at my shirt to uncover my neck again, " I know you don't want to but halfbreeds can't drink human blood, you'll have to take mine."

Akiro's POV

"What if I can't control my thirst for blood, what if I drain you?" I was so scared of hurting Aido I never want to be the one to hurt him, but I was so thirsty for blood it took all my strength to hold back from his offered neck.

Aido's POV

I smiled calmly, "It's okay Akiro, I know what it's like to not want to hurt the one you love by drinking from them but you won't lose control. No matter how thirsty you get if you don't want to hurt someone then you won't." I grabbed Akiro's wrist and pulled him into a hug. 

"Go ahead, drink."

Akiro's POV

I sunk my teeth into Aido's neck and tasted that sweet and sour substance, it flowed over my tongue and made it's way smoothly down my throat. I bite down harder trying to get as much of it as I could, it was an overload on all my scenes and it was so hard to stop. I didn't want to but I forced myself to let go. I caught a glimpse of my reflection in the mirror on the wall and my eyes were a light red with a tint of green swirling in them. I stumbled back a few steps in shock. 

"W-w-what is happening to me Aido? W-w-what am I?"

Aido's POV

I had a sad smile on my face, this was probably terrifying to Akiro. I walked over to him and pulled him into a hug, "You were dying Akiro. The only way I could save you was to make you a halfbreed. You're still a werewolf but you're also a vampire now... I'm sorry but you'll have to feed off me at least once every week now..."

 I held onto him tightly, my wound hadn't stopped bleeding cause Akiro hadn't taken care of it properly but I tried not to pay much attention to it. "I wouldn't have changed you if I knew I could do anything else to save you but it was the only way... I'm so sorry..."

Akiro's POV

I held back my tears, I've had enough of crying so I walked up to Aido and pulled him into a deep passionate kiss. "All I want is to stay with you so I don't care what I am as long as I can stay with you."

I hugged Aido and noticed that his wound was still bleeding and I panicked. "Aido you're bleeding! You need bandages..."

Aido's POV

I held Akiro tightly and smiled, " Something you should know about being a vampire is that you can heal wounds by licking them." I pulled him into a deep kiss and gently pushed us back until I had him against the wall, " So will you heal me?" 

I knew it wasn't a good idea, of course, it would stop the bleeding but my neck was a sweet spot of mine, I'd probably end up moaning or something.

Akiro's POV

I licked  his neck and he moaned. I licked it again and Aido moaned louder in response. "So your neck is your sweet spot..." I said in amusement. He just nodded and leaned his head back to grant me more access  to his neck. I smiled and kissed up his neck to his lips. While kissing him my hands wandered up into his hair, my fingers becoming entangled.

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