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Akiro's POV

I laid on the bed staring at the ceiling. I didn't want to know what Aido was up to, but I do know that  it had to do with my pack and I don't want to know how easily werewolves can die from a vampire. Staying here was okay but I needed to run and get out of my human skin. I'm used to running every day in my wolf form so my wolf and I were getting jittery. I needed to do something but I said I would stay here. 

But, I would only be out for 20 minutes or so and I wouldn't go far... I looked at the window. Besides,  Aido is doing stuff right now. He won't even know that I was gone. I nodded my head, stood up, and leaped out of the window,  instantly transformed into my wolf form.

Aido's POV

I felt a wolf cross into my territory and felt a twinge of panic fill me. 'Are they here already?!' I grabbed everything I was working on and ran outside, what I saw made my stomach drop. 'WHY IS HE OUT HERE?!?!' 

I saw Akiro (in wolf form) being dragged by an older male away from my house. I used my incredible speed  as they noticed me and I grabbed Akiro from them; there was no way they were taking him from me. 

I held him close to me  as he turned back into his human form. I realized too late that we were surrounded by werewolves. 

'Damn it...this probably isn't a good idea but I can't help it...' I grinned at them before leaning down and devouring Akiro's lips in front of all of them. Their shocked expressions were worth it and I decided to take things a little farther. 

I made my way to his neck and bit down, drawing his sweet blood. I could hear their screeches of disapproval and tried not to smile as I drank. I pulled away only having taken a small amount of blood. My eyes glowed there crimson color and I glared at the werewolves.

"He's mine now and if any of you have a problem with that you can come here and let me rip your throats out!"

 A few of them backed off but some stubborn ones decided to attack, I easily fought them off, Akiro's blood running through my body. It didn't take long for them to run away with their tails between their legs, literally. I held Akiro close to me. 

"At least you didn't faint this time..." I whispered into Akiro's ear.

Akiro's POV

"Yeah that's good," I chuckled slightly. "Sorry I ran out Aido. I just can't be cooped up in a house for long periods of time." I looked back at where my pack left and started to cry for no particular reason. Now I was a lone wolf and my family most likely hated me, but at the same time I was relieved because they didn't take me away from Aido. I hugged Aido tightly, burring my face into his chest and breathing in his scent. I didn't want to let go, ever.

Aido's POV

I held him close to me, gently rubbing his back and just letting him cry it out. I couldn't imagine what he was going through, I had always been alone so to lose so much, must be heartbreaking. 

"I'm sorry baby... I can't imagine what you just went through... But understand this, I will never leave you. That bite on your shoulder is different than the first. It will leave a permanent mark saying that we will always be together."

Akiro's POV

I looked up at Aido in shock and happiness. "You can't ever leave me, and I will never leave you. It's just us two now, and I think we have a lot of work cut out for us. I don't  think my pack will give in so easily... and what about you? Is there really no threat on your side? I mean, are there other high up vampires that if they found out about us, would try to kill me or you?"

Aido's POV

I shook my head, "Vampires are solitary creatures. There are some covens but I'm not in any so I don't have to worry... I've always been alone..." I held him in a tight embrace. I never wanted to let go of him. 

"I love you Akiro. I'll never let your pack take you away from me..."

Akiro's POV

"Okay, but we should go back inside. We are still safe for now but I'm sure that the pack will be back. We are a stubborn breed..." I chuckled to myself.

Aido's POV

I nodded and held his hand as we walked inside. "Now that, that's over with for the moment, shall we continue? You did say you had too much energy." I pulled him into a kiss and pinned him against the wall.

Akiro's POV

I kissed Aido back and ran my fingers through his silver hair before we parted briefly. "I think we should go to the bed first, don't you?" I asked breathlessly before I kissed him again.

Aido's POV

"I can't wait another second..."

I devoured his lips in a passionate and lustful kiss. I pulled away for a breath and both of us were panting. I blew on his ear and nipped his lobe earning myself one of his intoxicating moans. 

I ran my hands up his stomach beneath his clothes and kissed along his neck, tracing a few extra kisses and nips along his fresh wound.

Akiro's POV

"Ahh....." I  always moan loud when ever Aido did stuff like this to me. It always felt so good. 

I nipped at his ear and took off his shirt as he took off mine, and then we both found each other's mouths and lustfully started to make out.

I dipped my tongue into his mouth, exploring it for myself. I could still taste a hint of my blood in his mouth and it made me go wild. This was proof that he was mine and I was his.

Aido's POV

I felt myself get excited as Akiro took some initiative and french kissed me,  but I dominated his mouth. I let one of my hands hold Akiro's  in place as the other wandered down to his hips.

I undid his pants and let them slide down to his ankles leaving him in nothing but his underwear. This thin piece of clothing didn't hide anything and my excitement grew. 

I trailed a few kisses down his neck and chest before stopping at his nipples, I kissed and nipped on one while teasing the other.

Akiro's POV

"Ahh..." I moaned and turned my head away.  My blood was rushing to my head but my hands were still in Aido's hair. Aido turned my face towards him. 

"Don't look away, I want to see your beautiful face," Aido said so I looked straight into his beautiful purple eyes and kissed him while he took off my underwear. I was blushing madly when Aido looked up at me and chuckled, which intensified my blush even more.  

Aido's POV

I slipped off his underwear leaving him fully exposed, I grinned seeing how fast I had turned him on. "Someone's sensitive~" I chucked a bit, teasing him. I kissed up his thigh and hips, purposely avoiding his crotch.

One of my hands held his hip while the other made its way to his ass.

Akiro's POV

As I felt Aido's cold hands touch my body, they left a trail of fire in their wake. Aido slipped a finger into my ass unexpectedly;  I flinched at first but then relaxed.

"Ah.....ahhh...." I moaned; it hurt a little and it felt weird, but a good weird not a bad one. My worries  and thoughts of what might come tomorrow or the battles we have ahead of us vanished, the only thing on my mind was how much I love Aido and how much I want him at this very moment.


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