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It had been a week since my encounter with the wolf-boy and the summer festival was coming, unfortunately this meant the clinic would be closed and I'd be forced to hunt. I have never enjoyed hunting people so I made my way out into the nearby forest. I could hear and smell the animals around me as I entered the thick forest. My eyes changed to their scarlet color and I set out after my target. 

After a few hours the moon was high in the sky when a new scent entered my nose. 'A werewolf! There shouldn't be any this close to the city!'

I turned towards the smell and saw an auburn wolf staring at me. 'He seems familiar....' Then it hit me; he was the same wolf kid from the clinic! I slowly walked towards him but with every step I took he backed up.

"I'm not going to hurt you, you big puppy. I just want to talk." I tried to get closer but he bolted in the opposite direction.


Why is he in the woods, what is he doing here? I ran, I don't want him to catch me but I could hear him, he was right behind me. I ran faster but how can I out run a vampire? I started panicking but then I heard a howl. My pack was coming! They must have smelled him. I stopped and turned, and there he was. Him and his deep red eyes.


Akiro suddenly stopped and I could smell a pack of werewolves closing in on me. I turned back to him, " I really just want to talk, please come to my work tomorrow. It's important..." 

I opened my mouth to say more but I could tell the pack was closing in on me so I ran at full speed away, disappearing in a flash. I would have given anything to see his reaction when he realized I could have caught him at any time.


When I woke up the next morning I thought about yesterday's events and decided to go talk to Aido. I walk to the clinic and when I got inside I sat in the waiting room. I was waiting for about one hour before he came out.

"Follow me." I got up and went back into a white room.

"You can sit if you'd like," Aido said and gestured to the chair in the middle of the room. 

"No thank you. I'll stand," I said and walked over to the far side of the room. I looked at Aido and he looked like he was trying to say something but couldn't find the words. 

"I'm here, so go on. What did you want to talk about?"


I looked into Akiro's green eyes, I had told him to come here but now I was a bit hesitant to talk to him. 

"Um...*sigh* thank you for coming. I know you don't like me, but I wanted to know if you could do me a favor. Of course you can ask something of me as well....I wanted to know if you could donate a small bit of your blood. I know that sounds unreasonable but ever since I smelled it I can't stop thinking about it...." I paused, looking for the right words, "My thirst seems to be growing and I'm having a hard time controlling it. Please, just a small amount will do...."


"WHAT!" I exclaimed in horror, "That's what you want, my blood. Do you even know what you're asking?" 

My head started pounding.  'My blood...I can't let him have my blood, that is a disgrace to me and my pack. I won't be bowing down to a vampire!


"I'm not asking you to become my property, and I'm not asking you to do this more than once. I just need a taste." I starred him down and saw him start panicking, his eyes darting towards the door. I rushed to the door and blocked his path.

"There are only two options here Akiro, and I don't think you'll like option two..."


I looked at Aido, his face was serious. When I looked into his eyes I noticed that they had turned red. My heart started pounding in my ears as I just stared back at him.

"Fine....but only once, vampire." I muttered in defeat.


I smiled in victory. I slowly walked over to Akiro and grabbed his shoulders gently. I leaned in and whispered softly in his ear, "Would you rather have me drink from you or gather blood from you the boring way?" I snickered a bit at how nervous he was.


I looked at Aido determined to sound stronger than I felt, "I would rather you drink from me. I'm not a big fan of needles, but will you be able to control yourself not to drink all my blood?" 

I looked straight into his scarlet eyes, "Because I need to know."


I smiled as my fangs peaked out from underneath my lips, "I won't drain all your blood wolf, but I can't promise I won't lose control. If I do, there's a simple trick to stop me. Just tickle me, my sides are fairly effective. It snaps me out of 'feeding' mode." I leaned in close to his neck. 

"Ready?" I didn't wait for a response as I sunk my fangs into his flesh eagerly, his delicious blood filling my mouth. I moaned slightly at the amazing taste, it was sweet and went down smooth.

I felt a tug in my gut and cursed at myself a bit, there was no way I'd only drink this blood once. I needed more.


I felt his fangs go into me with little effort; like a hot knife slicing into butter. It hurt a little at first, but then it felt kind good. Wait, what am I thinking? 

"Ahhh..." I moaned. He must of heard me because I could feel his fangs go in deeper, and for some reason I didn't want him to stop. I threaded my fingers through his hair as he wrapped his hand around my waist.


I held Akiro as close as I could, his moans encouraging me to keep going, but I knew if I didn't stop soon I'd kill him. I reluctantly pulled my fangs out and licked his wound. I continued to hold him close, not yet ready to let him go. 



As Aido pulled away, I heard him call my name. I looked at him but everything was fading to black. The last thing I could remember was Aido rushing in to catch me.



I rushed to catch Akiro as he collapsed. I fell to the floor with him in my arms and I noticed his wound hadn't stopped bleeding. 


I picked him up and sat him down in the chair next to us and rushed to the back to find some bandages. I patched him up but felt bad for draining him so much. 

'Crap. I don't even know where the kid lives...' I decided to take him home with me, I couldn't just leave him here.


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