Chapter 1

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Aine's POV

I could hear a howl of a muskrat in the distance. At least that's what I think there called. I sighed grabbing my tattered backpack shoving a few things in. Earlier this week I had been on quite an adventure as per usual I had gotten myself into trouble. I was at an antique store and when no one was looking I slipped a few items in. I never understood the concept of money. Why did people have so much or in my case so little.

Anyway I shoved a few of the artifacts into my bag as well as an old candle that I would give to my friend Azure the next time we met. I threw my knotted messy hair into a bun and pulled on the backpack. A few straggly pieces of hair flew down in front of my face. I sighed. I had mixed emotions about my hair. A few people in our world had reddish orange hair but no one's looked like mine. Mine was filled with streaks of red and orange. It wasn't dull and sure as hell wasn't easy to tame. It had its own way of doing things.

I quietly opened my room door making sure not to wake anyone not that it mattered anyway. My mom was probably as high as the moon right now drunk in a bar. My dad had left me at a young age all I really had was a younger brother named Apollo. He was 7 he never actually met my dad. My dad ran away when my mom was pregnant with Apollo. When he was first born I blamed everything on my brother,especially the leaving of my dad. I pushed him away I felt like it was all his fault. It's not until a few years ago when I finally realized that it wasn't entirely his fault and ever since then we've been very close. I gave my cat, Blaise, some food and pet his head. "I'll be back" I cooed to him, scruffing up the fur on his head. "Sis?" I heard a tiny voice say from the stairs. I sighed my brother had woken up. "Apollo go back to sleep i'll be back in the morning" I said leading him back up the stairs.

"Aine where's mom?" Apollo asked as I was tucking in his ripped sheets.

"Who knows" I said with a small laugh.

"You know when I get older i'm gonna buy a house and it's gonna be us two the best siblings in the world, we will be rich,and have piles of money overflowing out of our mansion made out of wood and marble, one day aine,one day,someday.." Apollo smiled nugging his head towards a jar with 2 pennies in it. I smiled I wanted the best for Apollo I mean after all I have taken care of him for the past few years.

"I know Apollo that would be amazing" I said placing a small kiss on his forehead. "

I quietly snuck out the front door and locked it behind me. I had to climb a few fences and such to get where I was going. On my route I walked through the clock common where the time read 1:24 Am. I was right on time. I went through a few more craw holes and some old thing called "The ruins of the original forest". I never payed attention to any of the old things in our world yet I sometimes felt like I was connected to them. Who knows. Finally I climbed up on of the "trees" that was in the "Forest". This was my favorite place. You could touch the roof of the world and smell a smoke like gas. For the past few years my friends and I had built up on here and this was the place where we hung out. I quietly waited for my guest to arrive.

"Hey" Patricius said climbing the top branch and taking a seat next to me. "Hey" I responded back with a small smile. Patricius crawled over and laced his hand in mine. "You ok?" he asked giving a light kiss on my head. "I-I-i'm fine" I sighed squeezing his hand. He could tell that I was lying when I spoke I just always felt bad, I didn't want him to think that the only reason I stayed with him was so I could vent but still he insisted that I continue talking. "Well it's just my mom hasn't come back and it's been 4 days now she's never been gone for this long" I said suddenly breaking down into tears. I felt safe with Patricius. I felt like he didn't judge me or think me different if I cried once in awhile. He was truly my getaway. After about an hour we had both slowly drifted off to sleep. I slowly pulled my fingers through his hair until a small beep woke us. "W-what was that?" I asked quietly then before we knew it a blinding light flashed in our eyes and all we heard was screams.

Chapter written by: Johria_shipper

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