Chapter 8: Movie Night

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Cas' P.O.V.

Castiel stared undeniably at the beautiful man sprawled on his bed. When Dean peeked open his eyes, he caught Cas in the act and smirked, shutting his eyes.

"You just gonna stare, our are we actually going to do something?" Dean smirked.

Cas blinked. Then blinked again. He began to blush as he thought of the something he wanted to do, and it was laying on his bed. What did he mean something. He certainly wasn't giving off that vibe so Castiel felt a little uncomfortable.

Dean opened his eyes and sat up, coming to Cas' aid. "I didn't mean like that, Cas," Dean explained, seeing the blush that had painted itself upon Castiel's cheeks.

"Oh, uhmm, yea, I know. I was just thinking is all..." Cas stuttered.

"Mhmm, sure. Don't you have like, some big collection of movies downstairs. I remember seeing them the first time I came over here," Dean casually mentioned.

"Oh, yeah. You can go pick since you know where they are and I'll go and make the popcorn!" Cas chirpped as he bounced from the room, glad to escape the awkward tension that was heavy in the air of his room. 

Dean's P.O.V.

Dean grunted as he rolled over. "Okay, yea, sure," he mumbled as he swung himself around so his feet touched the floor, then slowly lifted himself from the bed and exited the room.

He walked into the living room and opned up the cabinet under the flat screen in the living room. God, how many DVD's can these people own? Dean was astonished as he saw pile after pile of DVD's. They had classics, like True Grit, and then they had more recent stuff, like Batman.

Dean found the first movie of the night just as Cas strolled into the room. "So, what'd you pick?" he asked as he stuffed a handful of popcorn in his mouth.

"I thought we'd start off the night with Batman. Is that okay with you?" Dean gave a question as his answer.

Castiel nodded as he placed himself in the dead-center of the couch, forcing Dean to sit rather close to him, and their thighs were pressed up against each other's, and he saw Castiel's face start to flush red. He looks so adorable like that. Wait, why did I say that? Dean darted his eyes to the screen, but he could still feel the tension pulling at him in every direction, so he did what Dean does best; make an joke.

"Hey Cas?" Dean smirked as he looked over in his direction, Cas' cheeks stuffed with popcorn, giving him the look of a chipmunk. Goddamn it, stop being cute for 10 seconds.

"hmm?" Cas hummed in reply as he swallowed the popcorn in his mouth.

"Why do I call my dick Batman?" Dean asked rhetorically.

"Uhmm, I don't know. That seems like an innapropriate name for someone's genitals." Cas added.

Even when he's nerdy, he's still so adorable. "Because bitches love when the Dark Knight Rises." Dean joked.

Cas laughed so hard that the popcorn in his mouth came out and landed on his lip, stuck there by the saliva.

"Uhmm, Cas.. you got a little, something..." Dean gesture towards his own lips.

Cas wiped the corner of his mouth, only moving the popcorn to his cheek.

"No, its...." Dean again, gestured to his own cheek.

Cas tried to rub it off, but to no avail.

Dean laughed, "Cas, how have you not gotten it yet?"

"Stop laughing! Get it off," Cas fake-pouted.

"Sometimes I just think you're a baby in a trench coat," Dean chuckled as he leaned foward to help Cas with the food sticking to his face. He could feel Cas' eyes on him, as their faces were just inches from each other's.

"No I'm not," Cas whined.

After Dean rested back in his position before incident, he noticed that the movie was already ten minutes in. He turned to Cas and rufled his hair. "It's okay, I think babies are cute," Dean commented with a smile.

Wait. Why did I just tell him that. Oh god, this is bad. Why is this so awkward?

He immediately looked foward and tried not to seem too suspicious or un-nerved.

Cas' P.O.V.

Cas felt his cheeks flush red once again that night when Dean called him cute.

I think babies are cute. The words still circled throughout his head even though they didn't talk throughout the entire movie after that comment.

After the movie was over, they watched 3 others. They chose some of the wierdest selections and didn't know why. They chose Flubber, followed by Insidious, and finally ended with Mean Girls.

Cas yawned as he rubbed his tired eyes, "I'm sleepy."

"Boo, you whore," Dean retorted.

Cas shot him an are-you-fucking-serious look, though it was impressive that he could pull it off because of the tiredness etched onto his facial features.

"I'm actually tired too," Dean tried to state, but was interrupted by his own yawn.

Cas scratched his head groggily,"I'll take the couch. You can go to my room for the bed," Castiel offered.

"No way, it's your house. You take the bed," Dean replied.

"Exactly, it's my house, so I decide where to sleep, and you sir, will be taking the bed," Castiel retorted.

"I will sleep on the floor before I left you sleep on the couch in your own house," Dean stated.

"Dean, I'm too tired to fight. Either I sleep on the couch or we share the bed," Castiel gave his last say in the matter.

"Ugh, fine," Dean sighed, being too sleepy to fight as well.

The two teens made their way down the hall to the bedroom, wobbling back and forth between the two walls, as it was 4a.m. and they were exhausted beyond all belief. After what seemed like forever, they finally got to the room. Dean simply walked up to the bed, and fell straight onto it. Cas looked at him and yawned. He slid into the bed next to him, pulling the covers over them. As he looked over, he realized that Dean was out cold. What he hadn't realized until now was how small his bed was, as he felt Dean's entire body pressed to his.

He rolled on his side, back facing Dean, and his eyes began to droop. Almost a minute later, he felt arms wrap around his waist and pull him back into a warm, toned chest. Dean must be a cuddler, Cas thought as he was wrapped in the other boy's unconcious embrace. As Dean nuzzled his face into Cas' neck, his eyes widened. Tonight is going to be a long night.

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