In Words I Almost Said

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In words I almost said:

I forgive you.

I'm sorry, too.

Don't leave me alone,

Don't walk out that door,

Don't you dare say goodbye,

Don't tell me you no longer care.

I know we have our problems,

I think we can work them out,

I know we belong together,

We could make it work,

If we gave it one more try.

Please, darling, please, turn around.

I can't say how much I need you,

I can't express how intensely I care,

I can't say how big a part of me you are.

I just can't let you leave without letting you know:

I'll be empty and aching and cold without you,

I'll be lonely and hopeless and crying for you,

I'll be desperate, wanting, needing just you.

I'll always regret if I don't tell you now,

These three small simple little words.

I love you.

I forgive you.

I'm sorry too.

*this is suppose to be melodramatic.  As it's wishing you could go back in time and fix the fight that ends it all.  :)

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