Holy Water

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Welcome to this book of random moments you miss in the plot! If you haven't read Killing an Angel, GO READ IT NOW PLS <3!

Takes place sometime after they start trusting each other?
"Kayano, bring a bottle of holy water. Don't make it obvious though," Nagisa requested, keeping his senses keen just in case Karma was nearby.

"Ok!" Kayano responded with her usual cheerfulness, "Is there a reason?"

"I just thought I might need it," Nagisa responded enigmatically, "see you there!" He grinned as he hung up.


"Thanks Kayano~!" Nagisa called cheerfully, departing from his sweetly confused friend.

As he made his way back to his house, he wondered where Karma was right now. Absentmindedly, his free hand wandered down to the space where Karma's mark used to be.

An all-too familiar laugh sounded in his ear. "Thinking about me, Nagisa-chan?"

The angel flinched slightly, but was unsurprised when he turned around and saw Karma standing there, his signature smirk playing on his lips.

"Maybe," Nagisa hummed, trying to seem unaffected. He stepped closer to Karma, gazing at him adoringly.

Karma's eyes darkened. "You're just vying to be kissed, aren't you," he teased, his voice lower. The demon moved closer, letting only a small distance remain between them.

Nagisa discreetly dropped his bottle of holy water. "What makes you assume that?" He asked with a breathless laugh.

Karma smirked again, leaning in, and Nagisa made his move, kicking his foot out and pushing Karma to the ground. They both went down, Nagisa above Karma with a falsely innocent smile.

"Someone's excited," Karma laughed.

"Be quiet," Nagisa grumbled, and leaned in to kiss him. He pressed their lips together and melted into the kiss, throwing everything he had into it. However, after a few seconds passed, Nagisa snuck one hand away to grab the bottle, slowly opening it with his one hand. It was a bit of a struggle, but Nagisa managed. Then, hoping the demon was distracted enough, he pulled back, tipped a splash of holy water onto Karma's exposed arm, and jumped away.

The demon gasped, his eyes widening. Nagisa watched with anticipation. Karma's eyes were a glowing amber.

The spot the water touched steamed slightly, and Nagisa noticed Karma wince, rubbing it. Then, his gaze fell on the angel. "You little..." he growled, his eyes returning to normal with a playful glint.

Nagisa returned the stare with a taunting yet innocent one of his own.
"Oops?" Then, he ran.

So this was the game he wanted to play, Karma thought with a sly smile. He strolled leisurely after the angel, giving him a demonic smirk when Nagisa turned around.
Then, Karma lunged. He used his speed, appearing at Nagisa's side in a flash. He noticed the angel's eyes dart to him, but before he could do anything, Nagisa was gone.

"Eh?" Karma raised his voice. "Running and hiding already? C'mon Nagisa-chan I didn't know you were that weak!"

No response.

"Afraid of what I'll do if I catch you?" Karma taunted relentlessly. His sharp gaze caught movement by a nearby tree. It was dangerously close to a house, so he knew he'd have to tread carefully.

Walking quietly, he stepped over to the tree, listening.

Before he could finish, a flurry of blue and white flew dropped down and knocked him to the ground. Karma reflexively reached out in front of him, but another force pushed his arms against the ground. Nagisa sat above him, grinning triumphantly as he pinned down Karma's arms.

"Got you~" Nagisa hummed.

Karma relaxed, causing Nagisa to also relax his grip. In a sudden movement, he flipped their positions, pulling out a knife and resting it gently near Nagisa's neck. "Not quite," he chuckled.

Nagisa sighed in defeat. He was stuck. "Not fair," he whined, "I didn't use a weapon."

"You also poured holy water on me," Karma scoffed.

Nagisa begrudgingly relented. "Alright you win. What do you want?"

The red-haired demon smirked, putting away the knife, and Nagisa shifted nervously.

"How about... we go on a proper date?" He suggested with a mischievous glint in his eyes.

Nagisa relaxed. That wasn't bad.

"But you have to dress as the girl."

Nagisa's blue eyes widened. "KARMA!"

It actually wasn't supposed to end like this oh well enjoy... would any of you actually want a part two of this?

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