More of the Story: The Femme Vanir

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Okie. Another!

YO! HEY! Hello! This girl's back with another... eheheheheh...

YES its a Loki fanfic. And there are so many words explaining my gratitude for stopping by and I really am lazy to break it down so thank you again like in the last fanfic. Whatever you stopped reading, thank you for stopping to read that in order to give this a glimpse and chance. Whenever you're desperate for some Loki, thank you for choosing this to quench your thirst and give this a glimpse and chance (again)... Yes. The cycle will go on and on so overall, thank you very much.

So, why a 'femme Vanir'? Well, this femme Vanir is pretty badass. Hence 'femme' but, hey, a dream (not really, car rides are inspirational you know) came and bah-bam...

Anyways, this book is centered around a Vanir Goddess. As we all know, in the infamous Norse mythology, there are nine worlds which take the embodiment of a tree known as the Yggdrasil. (OKAY, mythology time!)

Yes, that word (Yggdrasil) has been mentioned before (from the MCU I mean... Well...
"Marvel Phase" Paramount...) and with that paramount clue, the word was said no, not by Odin, not Thor, or Heimdall or any Asgardian but by Johann Schmidt. While he was searching for the Tesseract, he decided with his nazism ideology and being an overall shitty person to you know, visit a German-occupied town in Norway called Tønsberg and like kill the chapel or church thing's priest and blow up the place all in favor for this mysterious relic. And what's that? The Tesseract. Here's a gif: (lol jk its a video bc Tumblr didn't have one so here's the scene...)

(1:07 minutes of your time, Yggdrasil is the first thing he said.)

Why a long time to talk about the tree of the world? Consider that it's the tree of the world... In Norse mythology, I mean... The tree basically connects the nine worlds like the imaginary eclipses that are formed due to the gravitational force the planets have towards the sun and yeah, I'm not gonna get to that.

There are nine worlds in the tree that poets and storytellers of Norse mythology generally discuss and mention about. Nilfheim, Asgard, Vanaheim, Midgard, Alfheim, Svartalfaheim, Muspelheim, Jotunheim, and Hel(heim) (someone should make a memory aid of sort). Those nine are not in the order on how they are placed on Yggdrasil (based on Norse cosmology), those aren't how they would've been spelled in the older, Nordic language and also the fact because of my keyboard won't provide the correct letters so that's very brief. I've heard nobody really knows whether Vanaheim is here or there. Am I wrong? The internet is never wrong (sarcasm intended and yes, I have no idea either.)

Fun fact: I am no fucking expert. But let me share some stuff I learned.

So to be even very brief, Nilfheim is cold af, Asgard is home of ALL the Aesir (we'll get to that), Vanaheim is home of ALL of Vanir (again, we'll get to that), Midgard (not Midgaurd, haysus, spelling) has us puny beings, Alfheim is home of the light elves, Svartalfaheim has them dwarves, Muspelheim is the world of fire and lava, Jotunheim is giants' world (not specifically frost giants, I believe that's the way Marvel depicted it) and Helheim is... hell.

Did I warn you all that this will be long as fuck because I'm just like gonna explain a brief thing on Norse mythology in a completely unprofessional and formal manner? *laughs to herself but kms* Okay... Resume...

Anyways, of course, being mythology and all that, we have gods. Odin, Allfather is really the king of them all, resides in Asgard. Frigg (Frigga in comics) is his queen, Thor is her child, there's a dude named Baldr who's also their son but no one legit gives a fuck so he's irrelevant in this book (also the fact we're following the movies... sorry comics) and finally the dude that everyone loves, Loki. He's adopted but he's whom most gives a fuck about (and wanna fuck but we don't... we don't wanna get to that). However, I believe they never really adopted Loki as their child but they really despised him and held a grudge against him for murdering the favorite (in the real myth), Baldr. Anyways, the gods that reside in Asgard are known as Aesir (again, not traditional spelling because shitty keyboard).

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