chapter 1

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I was struggling to make a move, but it seemed as if every piece of me was frozen solid. I was thinking, ‘maybe, it was because there was a very masculine bully sitting on me like I was a park bench or something.’ But I’m not a park bench. And I never will be a park bench.

                I am a 15 year old boy, my name is Jacob Isaiah Richards, born: March 3rd, on a beach in Oklahoma. I'm just your average boy, not ever looking for trouble. But trouble seemed to always find a reason to crawl my way.

                So let me rewind from where I am now, to this morning: So, I woke up to my moms cranky morning voice trying to tell me something that I really didn't want to hear that early. But the only time that I could really listen and was paying attention was during breakfast. So this is what I got from my moms bickering:

"Jacob Isaiah Richards, you better listen to me right now, you were out 10 minutes past your curfue last night, and I will not tolerate with that sort of behavior young man. Who do you think you areeee going......." She kept going on some more, but I kind of... zoned out and, didn't really hear the rest. The yelling went on and on until I had to leave for my bus.

My mom is a smoker, and usually keeps to herself a lot. But when she's not keeping to herself, she's either yelling at me, or finds a reason to just be angry at the world. But to be honest, she was never like that when my father was around... She was always glowing and full of joy! She even used to pray with me every night, and lay next to me until she knew I was sound asleep. I just want my old mom back...

When it was all over, I grabbed my bag hanging on the hook by the door and took off to go catch my bus.

                As I walked down the lonely gray sidewalk, I spotted in the distance a bright yellow rectangular figure pulling up at the stop sign about 100 feet away from where I was walking.

My eyes widened in shock. 

"wait, I'm coming!! I'm COMING!! WAIT!!" I screeched as I bolted after the bus.

                But I stopped to catch my breath and realized that my bus was way too far for anybody to hear me screaming. As I watched it pull away, I stood there with a blank expression on my face like I had no clue what just happened. "what am I gonna do?.." I spoke to myself, while practically ripping my hair right out of my flakey scalp. "I missed my bus" I said. As If I had just realized.

                My last option was to walk to school. Even though I would be dripping sweat when I get there, I had no other choice and since I've never missed a day of school, I wasn't going to start now.

                When I got there I went straight to my locker to drop off my heavy math books for geometry AP honors. I was always ahead of everyone else in my classes because my teachers thought I was just too smart for standard classes.

                As I finished putting my math book on the top shelf of the faddishly green locker, I suddenly felt my heart drop to the pit of my stomach, and couldn't feel myself breathing anymore. I had froze in place as I spotted the whole cheerleading team walking straight towards ME from the girls locker room at the far end of the hallway, in their bedazzled pink and blue uniforms.

As they walked closer and closer I couldn't help but examine their flawless beauty. With their... bleach blonde hair and... Barbie doll legs, and... well, perfection!

                And then there was the team captain who was aka. the prettiest girl in school. Her name was Brooke Sanders. Now she was absolutely gorgeous... I just couldn’t stop starring, as I wiped the puddles of drool leaking from the corner of my open mouth, and wiped it on my khaki shorts.

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