"Nope because I love you." he nods.

"Are we still getting married?"

"I don't know."

"Why not?"



"Because Beau I don't want to marry you and find out later when you get your memory back that you didn't love me. I don't want to marry you because of what your 16 year old self feels. Make since?"

"Yeah but what if I told you it feels right."

"As much as hate to say this let's just give it sometime. Maybe some of your memories will come back and your old feeling will resurface then well know."

"Yeah okay."

"I can't believe your taking this so well." he just shrugs.

"How am I suppose to be taking it? Everything your telling me just seems right except for the whole Tatum thing. That just weird." he chuckles.

"Yeah and with Aaron of all people." I laugh he laughs with me.

"Can I ask you a question?" he ask.

"Sure. Anything."

"Well I'm just trying to figure out this whole Chris thing."


"Did our relationship change?"


"Did I give you any indication I was cheating?"


"Was I pulling away at all?"


"Gone for long periods of time?"


"Anything at all?"

"No. Nothing but you never gave me an indication you were fucking Amber either." I point out.

"Right. How long was I sleeping with her?"

"You told me six months." he nods then groans throwing his head back.

"What's wrong? Are you okay? In pain? Need a doctor?" I panic. "Maybe you should go back to sleep. Rest."

"No I'm fine." he chuckles. "I just wish I could remember." he finishes.

"You will I hope. Maybe when you get home and we start to tell you more about the last five years well four, show you pictures, see someone, something will trigger it."

"Yeah I hope. I hate not knowing what my life was like."


"Well well well the ass wasn't lying." Sue the nurse says coming in.

"Took you long enough." I joke. She's the only nurse I like. This hospital is shitty.

"Sorry. I just found out Mr. Prince was awake. Actually Dr. Martin called and told me." she says as she starts doing her thing.

"Of course. God only knows the rest of these assholes weren't going to. Hell no one has came in here to actually check on him."

"Figures I hate this place. I need a new job."

"Well now that he is awake. I might have a short one for you."

"Oh yeah what would that be?"

"Well now that he is wake how would you like to be his personal nurse? Since I'm not chicken shit to have him at the house."

The Jock and the Emo Part 2 BoyxboyWhere stories live. Discover now