Clans of Ash Forest - Activity Check - Cinderpatch

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On my Deviantart I joined a roleplay group with a character named Cinderpatch. I have to do activity checks now and then, and this time they didn't give a very big warning about the due date, so I decided writing would be better than drawing.

Our task is;

"Recently cats of all three clans have heard report of strange noises, like a low rumbling of thunder. Distant beasts have been roaming a hard stone path that wasn't near the clans before, and all cats are on edge.
For fear of the clans saftey, the leaders have ordered more patrols, as well as cats to scout what these creatures that walk on two legs and ride beasts are. Shadowstar has informed the members of the other clans that they must be the same things that made the abandoned nests in their territory- aggressive, and dangerous creatures called twolegs.
The new path has been named the rumbling path."

Cinderpatch blinked quietly, still drowsy from his slumber. He was seated by the warriors den, his eyes clouded and dull. The grey and dusky furred tom slowly looked up as he heard patrols being sent out for morning. Groaning to himself, he rose to his feet and sighed.

I need to start hauling my tail out of my nest before sun-high, he started grooming his fur, flicking his ears. If I don't, I'll never get into a dawn or morning patrol, and my clan-mates are going to think I'm lazy. For today I'll just go hunting alone... and maybe I'll check out those beasts Shadowstar mentioned.

Suddenly feeling awake, he watched as the patrol left. If I tell Oakstar, I won't be able to leave camp all alone. His cyan eyes flickered, and he began passing by awakening felines as he made his way to the entrance. I can't let anyone know where I'm going; which is why I'll check the beasts out first and then hunt. This way, I'll have prey scent rather than whatever they smell like.

Cinderpatch stepped into the opening of the territory, striding confidently in the opposite direction of the patrol. He'd have to be quick: another patrol was usually sent out not long after the first, and they were the ones who checked that place. He couldn't run into them.

Picking up speed, the young cat darted quickly towards where the reported noises had come from. From what he'd heard, the beasts were being 'used' by twolegs on a stone path. Apparently nobody had knew of the path before, meaning it hadn't ever been by the clan territories at all.

Am I ready for responsibilities of clan life? He narrowed his eyes and continued running, following the mentally made directions of where the sounds were. AuraClan needs warriors... of course I'm ready.

He jumped over a rock, skidding to a halt when he heard a loud rumbling noise from nearby. Perking his ears, Cinderpatch took a few cautious steps forward, then scuttled backwards as an acrid stench hit his nose. Scrunching up his face, he choked and shook his head. Eugh! That reeks!

Cinderpatch unsheathed his claws, deciding to take precautions. Sniffing, he coughed and huffed. He couldn't tell if he was on AuraClan territory anymore; be it the fact that the scent was too strong, or the fact that he was still getting used to the scents and couldn't remember everything as clearly as most warriors could.

His nose might not even be better before he got to hunting. Growling at the thought of screwing up a hunt, the tom peered around the trees and bushes to try getting a sight of the beasts.

Over the path, he could see dozens of different colours passing by. He glared at them, lashing his tail. Some were slower than others, and he could see them clearly.

Twolegs are so strange. He decided that enough was enough and he wanted to go home. Turning around, Cinderpatch grumbled slightly in confusion and what he thought was irritation as he walked back towards the camp. He'd hunt closer to camp, and hopefully his nose would adjust.

We'll figure them out...

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