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Hello! I am here today to interview the eccentric Miss Paige Ward. P= Paige, M=Meghan

M: Hi, Paige! How are you today?

P: I'm great today, Thanks!

M: So, Paige, what made you want to become a part of Searching for Summer?

P: Well first of all, I've already been in a co-written story like this before, and I loved every minute of it. I saw that Courtney (InLuvWithRonWeasly) had a similar idea going on and then I just sort of asked if I could join without thinking. I have never and will never regret joining SFS because the whole plot line and characters are perf.

M: Speaking of the characters, let's talk about your character, Alex. The first thing that comes to my mind is that he is a homosexual. Was there anything that inspired your decision in making him homosexual, or was it just a spur of the moment thing?

P: Well actually I have a little obsession that I don't think I've told anyone on Wattpad before. I'm probably the biggest fan girl of and supporter of gays in the North of England... I really do love them. At first I was actually going to pick a girl character, but then I realised a lot of people would want to be a girl and I actually like writing in a guys POV, surprisingly. I find it much easier. After picking Alex I came up with the idea of making him homosexual, seen as though I freaking love shame either. I also wanted my character to be different from the others. And how different can you get than being attracted to the same sex?... Alright that came out wrong. I mean not different, but...unique. There you go.

M: Now, could you tell us about Alex's lizard? It is my understanding that he has quite an interesting talent.

P: Oh my, I'm all giddy now that you asked that! Well, I wanted to give him (yet again) a difference to the others, and that was the only thing I could come up with that suited him. At first Zukie was going to be a beagle called Bruce, but then I was listening to McFly and remembered that Dougie Poynter had a Lizard with the same name, but he had to give it away (not sure why, but anyway) so I just wanted to relive my McFly days. I said that Alex wasn't good at reading people in his personality, so then the idea of the Lizard doing all the reading popped into my head. And that was his strange little talent settled (:

M: That's fantastic. Let's see... When did you first become interested in writing? And might I add that you are on my list of legendary authors.. (as well as Courtney, though I forgot to tell her that.)

P: I actually only started writing on the 29th of August 2011... when I posted my first ever chapter of my first ever story. Truth be told, I never liked writing before that. My teachers always told my parents my worst skill was long writing/ fiction writing. Well, I blew them all out of the park. I don't believe I was good at all at the start, but I've grown into writing, seen as I never used to do it, and I can see how much I've changed just by looking back. Oh, I'm on the list of legendary authors? Well thank you very much. Ditto.

M: That comes as quite a shock to me, as your writing seems very professional and experienced. Well done, my friend! I think that concludes the serious questions. Is there anything else you would like to add in the 'serious' category?

P: Well I'm not sure, I'm not a very serious person. Um... Nope, that's all. All seriousness has faded now.

M: Good, now we can have fun. Are you ready for a very strange array of questions?

P: Right now I've got an exercising ball on my head seeing how long I can balance it there for. So yeah, I think I'm ready.

M: Okay, picture this. You're inside a shark's mouth, about to die. You can pick anyone to come rescue you. Who is it?

P: What, like, anyone in the world?

M: Anyone in the world, Mars, Pluto, The Moon...Well, you get it.

P: Bear Grylls for definite. He always knows what to do. And if not, he'd be doing his job wrong. Then I'd laugh at him from the grave.



M: Okay, what do you use to defend yourself in the zombie apocalypse?

P: The 32 rules of Zombieland movie. They all make sense.

M: Lovely. Now give me three names of fictional characters.

P: Fred Weasley. Maxxie Oliver. Estella Havisham.

M: Now we're going to play a little game I like to call: "Kill, Torture, Control" also known as "Avada Kedavra, Crucio, Imperio"

P: I think I'm going to like this.

M: Choose one action for each person you previously mentioned.

P: Oh oh oh okay! Wow, slow me. Pfft... Torture/Crucio Estella (she gets on my nerves, 'boy')... Okay this is hard. Maxxie is adorbs.... okay I've already mourned over the death of Fred and then some, so kill/Avada Kedavra Fred and control/Imperio Maxxie.

M: If you were to have a hot air balloon, what color would it be?

P: It wouldn't just be a colour, I'd have it made to look like Spongebob.

M: Intriguing. And to close us out, anything you'd like to add? A theory, a shoutout, a message to yours truly?

P: I love everyone who reads my story, my lil' Alex, oh and a strange freak called Spanky Meghan, you heard of her? Yeah, I love her too.

M: SPANKY MEGHAN! (I would like to point out that Spanky Meghan is a character in Paige's enthralling story entitled: The Recovery Ring.) Thank you for your time, Paige. Have a wonderful rest of the day :)

P: Thank you, same to you! :D

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⏰ Poslední aktualizace: Mar 08, 2012 ⏰

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