Chapter 1- The Tour

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  "So this is it huh?"

I said as I stepped out of the car in front of the giant castle like structure that I will call home for the next year. My mother turns to me to say "I promise it wont be as bad as it seems. Besides, you have Eli and I'm sure you will make plenty of friends here. Oh and maybe you and your roommate will become besties, you never know."  I groaned. "Or maybe it will be just like last year mom, you never know."  She came over and placed her hand on my shoulder. "Oh sweetie we should be more optimistic. I have a feeling this year is going to be the one that changes everything. Now don't be so down we've got a school to tour." She's right, I need to stop being so upset and jumping to conclusions. This year might actually be a good one. I don't know.

  We head to the main office to start our tour of the enormous campus. I have to admit, it's really beautiful here. I could get used to seeing this view everyday. I shake the thoughts from my head as I zone back to reality. Walking through the courtyard to the dorms, my mom turns and says to me "This is where your dorm is at. The place looks nice from the outside huh?"  I pull a small smile on my face and say "Yeah, it does. It looks amazing, This whole place is breathtaking." The headmaster smiles and turns to face us "Yes three-hundred acres atop beautiful mountains, amidst bright green blooming is quite astonishing. I think your stay here will be fantastic. After all  that is what our founders intended when this school was established almost half a century ago."

  Soon the tour of the rather large and magnificent campus was over and it was time to make the three and a half hour drive back home to pack for my first day tomorrow. Eli was already set up in his dorm as seniors are required to prepare a week early so they have plenty of time to help out the other students on their first day.

When we get home my mother tells me to go upstairs and pack everything I'm going to need while she makes dinner. I get into my room and immediately pull out my suitcases to start packing my clothes. We recently went shopping for more clothes that I can take with me. I pack almost all of the clothes I own and leave out clothes that I can sleep in and an outfit to wear tomorrow. Its just like packing for a vacation right? A really long vacation.

  As soon as I'm done I start to pack other things like my favorite teddy bear that I've had since I was six, a couple of my favorite CD's and movies, my art supplies, my guitar, and my favorite books. If there's one thing you should know about me, it's that I like many, very different things and my interests are all over the place. When all of that is packed up I head downstairs to see what my mother is up to. Dinner is ready and mom, dad, Eli, and I all sat around the table eating and discussing how things are going to be for the next year. Of course Eli and I will still come home for holidays and possibly birthdays. We also get a spring break then shortly after that school will be over for the summer break.

  After dinner was over I helped clean up then went back up to my room to get ready for a shower. I shower, put on some comfortable pajamas and brush my teeth then head back towards my room. On my way through the hallway I'm stopped by my brother Eli, he looks at me and smiles then says "It's going to be okay Kotie I promise. I know last year was horrible and that means things can only get better from here. "Thanks E. I'll try my best to make it great." I hug him and we tell each other goodnight. I get back to my room and lay down in bed then whisper to myself. "Let's make this great.." Soon after that I fall into a deep, peaceful sleep.

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