Chapter 03 - Tell the truth? - July 1971

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POV Roger

After Helena paraded, we headed for London, to her apartment, and my friend made us dinner. A delicious noodle in the marinara sauce and it made juice for us. We were very hungry. During dinner, I told Helena that I was upset the night before with Jill, because she spoke ill of Helena and would not let me go with her to the University of Surrey. So Jill left home alone and I stopped in a bar, drank a lot and saw three half-naked dancers and took the three of them to my apartment and had sex with them. I told Helena that I took care of myself and that I was already sorry for what I did. I apologized to her for getting you upset.

"Rog, it's all right with me. You should apologize to Jill and tell her everything that happened. As much as you were upset with her, you should not have betrayed her, "Helena said sadly.

"I know Helena, I feel terrible about that, but I will not discuss it with Jill. I'm so sorry. I swear to myself that I will never betray Jill again. It was the first and last time. As much as she is often futile, egocentric, possessive, I am in love with her, "he said, eating the pasta.

"Do you love Jill or are you in love with her, Rog?" Between love and passion there is a great difference, "Helena said. "I'm sorry I said that, but I'm your friend and I'm honest with you.

"And thank you for your sincerity, my angel," he said, looking at her. "I've been with Jill for two years, but I do not love her, it's more of a passion, my friend, but I want to be with Jill, I like her, And she satisfies me in everything, Helena.

I understood Rog. Said Helena thoughtfully.

"Dinner is wonderful. The pasta very tasty. I'll get some more, my friend. "Rog smiled.

"Feel free, my dear friend," she smiled at me.

POV Helena

Rog's statement made me more pensive. He's with Jill, not because he loves her, but he has a great passion for her. Jill is seductive, a beautiful woman. He is tall, slim, has light brown hair, almost blond and blue eyes. She is very reminiscent of model Pattie Boyd and former model Twiggy. Jill, being seductive, is very successful with the boys, including Rog. She is totally the opposite of me, that I am white, with very black hair and black eyes and my nickname is Snow White. I think Rog is also with Jill, just to follow the wave of his friends, who have girlfriends, since Freddie, Bri and John are engaged as well. The next day, Rog returned to college, this time to study Biology at the London Polytechnic and John auditioned for the band and was accepted for being an excellent bass player and also for his intelligence and timidity. John is a student of Electronic Engineering and built the own amplifier called Deacy Amp, which Brian also started to use.

On March 10 it was the eighteenth year anniversary of Clare, who celebrated in London with our friends.

The time passed and I participated in some beauty pageants and made some money when I got first, third place ... The month of May took Roger to a swimming lesson and he was very scared. Roger is afraid to sink and during class he stayed the entire time at the pool edge.

"Rog, please, trust the teacher, trust me, and rely mostly on you." You have to overcome this fear. She said to him.

"Promise me you will not let me sink," Rog said worriedly.

"I'll be by your side, Rog." I smile at him.

Rog liked the lesson and was in many others afterwards. Gradually he is losing his fear of swimming. Rog also has a spider phobia. I do not understand how a Biology student at the London Polytechnic is afraid of spiders. During these months John was rehearsing with the guys, all the band's songs and they also recorded a demo at De Lane Lea Studios with some songs from the band and they started delivering to the major record companies to see if anyone was interested in releasing The band's first album.

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