Chapter 02 - I promised and I will fulfill Helena.

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POV Roger

Shit. I hesitated with Helena. My friend does not deserve this. I'm sending the three girls away. I change my clothes fast and I take a pill for a headache. Damn hangover. I wash my face and do my oral hygiene. I put my hair in a mess and put on my brown beret. I give you a perfume. I get my documents and the key to my car. I do not eat anything. There is no time for that. It's a quarter past twelve. I walk toward the parking lot of the building. I get in my car and I turn on the vehicle, leaving in a rush. I suppose Helena went to the bus station, bought some bus tickets to Surrey. She will not miss the parade for anything. I know my friend and I know how objective she is for things. I go to the bus station the fastest and twenty-five minutes later I arrive at the bus station. I park my car and head for the information booth running. I ask you for information, telling you which bus company has the closest bus time to Surrey. She informs the bus company and says that at two o'clock the bus will leave. I tell her that I have to go to the boarding entrance to the bus, because I have to prevent a girl from traveling that is life and death.

"I'm sorry, boy, but that's not possible. You are not a passenger, "said the lady.

"I have already said it is a matter of life and death." For God's sake, let me through. I said desperately.

"You can only pass if you buy a ticket for this bus, there are still vacancies," the woman said.

I sighed. I did not have much money with me, but I bought the ticket. It's five minutes to two in the afternoon.

"Run while it's time, otherwise you'll lose the ticket," the woman said.

I run just like crazy on the road, among people. I arrive at the boarding area and an employee of the company said that the bus is already leaving. I pass and really the bus is already leaving when I signal the driver to stop the bus and show the passage. The driver for the bus.

The driver opens the bus door and walks in and says,

"Sir, I'm not going to board Surrey, I've come for a passenger named Helena Lins Mirtey. I know she's on that bus.

At that moment, Helena, who was sitting farther down the bus, gets up and says annoyed:

"What do you want, Roger?" Damn you, you're delaying the bus departure.

"Come with me, I'll take you to Surrey." He would never miss his parade. Come with me please. He pleaded.

"Go away, Roger," she said flatly.

I go up to her and pull her arm gently. We exchanged silent looks.

"I promised and I'll keep Helena." I'll take you to Surrey. I'll be there before that bus. Come with me, "he pleaded.

His eyes were shining, wanting to cry. She sighed and grabbed her purse and got off the bus quickly. I went to the bus station, pulling Helena's arm and we walked quickly. Two and ten we got into my car. And I fastened my seat belt. She was sitting in the passenger seat, silent, sad.

"You better get your seat belt on. You better hold on, Helena, "I said, and she looked at me.

I put her seat belt on and I started the car and I leave a bus station rocket. I did a lot of shit in the traffic, in the London avenues, until I got on the highway and accelerated my car, to the maximum. Helena was holding the seat.

"Take it easy, Rog," she said, startled.

"There's no time, Helena. I want to get to you at the University of Surrey no later than three o'clock. It's now two-thirty in the afternoon. In half an hour, we'll get to the destination, "he said earnestly, watching the road.

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