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Aubrey awoke to the sound of the morning bell, alerting everyone to report to the dining hall within ten minutes. She hopped off her hammock and looked out the window of her small hut. Most people had to share small cabins with others, but since she was a senior she received special privileges. Of course, she still got her fair share of workload every day.
She freshened up and started towards the dining hall, but got intercepted by Jack.
"Aubrey, Luke wants you at the main hut."
"What is it? I haven't even had breakfast yet."
"Wow, you must spend a lot of time freshening up. Anyway, he says it's important."
"Alright. It better be, cause I'm forfeiting my breakfast time," she grumbled before running towards the main hut.

"Aubrey, good. You're finally here. I should get rid of Jack, he takes forever to deliver messages," Luke said annoyed as Aubrey entered the hut.
"What's going on," asked Aubrey.

"We found someone trying to sneak into our camp. Most likely to steal some supplies."
"Who is he? Do we know where he's from? He could be part of another camp."
"We're not sure yet, but Frank is questioning him right now. So far, he's only responded with lies, but he'll tell is eventually."
"So what do you want me to do?"
"For now, just keep people away from here and make sure no one finds out about this. You'll be on monitor duty for the next few days or so, we just don't want anyone finding out about him at least until we've figured out where he's from.
"So...does that mean I won't have to work on the tunnel system today?
"No, just stay on monitor duty and make sure people stay away from here. Also, keep an eye on that Trace kid. He's extremely froward, and he's the last person we'd want to find out about this."
"M'kay, that shouldn't be too hard. Bye," Aubrey said with a hint of a smile on her face, happy she would have the easiest job in the camp for the next few days.

The bell alerting everyone it was lunch time began ringing. For the past four hours, Aubrey had been going around making sure all of the huts were tidied and that everyone was getting their work done. Everyone envied whomever was on monitor duty at the time. It was easy, fun, and she had a chance to talk with some of her friends.
She walked to the dining hall, which was basically just a roof with pillars at all corners to hold it up, a small kitchen beside the food storage hut, and lots of tables.
She walked over to the senior's table. If she had a choice, she'd just sit by her friends, but all seniors and executives were required to sit there.
The preparers of the food came in and served everyone an assortment of weird looking fruits, vegetables, bugs, and meat. They were plentiful on food. Everyday, the hunters would go out and find an animal to eat, usually a mutated one. People would also go out and find fruits and vegetables everyday, so they almost never had to ration their food. They were also plentiful on water. They had a nearby stream which offered an unlimited water supply. It wasn't as great as it was before the virus had been released, but it certainly wasn't nearly as bad as it could be.
As soon as the servers had served everyone and the leader, Luke, had started eating, a roar erupted from everyone at the tables, enjoying their time off and talking to their friends.
Luke started to whisper something in his right hand, Joseph, but stopped when someone came up.
"We finished reinforcing the wall, sir," he said,"My team has been working very hard for the past few days, do you think we could have the rest of today off, sir?"
Uh, oh. Luke hates it when people ask for breaks, Aubrey thought to herself, knowing what was about to happen.
"The day off?! We all have to do our part to keep this camp safe and running, so don't think you deserve more than everyone else just because you reinforced a wall that will most likely need to be reinforced all over again in a few weeks! Now go back to your table before I change my mind about letting you off," Luke half-yelled angrily at the boy before he walked off to join his group.
Luke wasn't exactly the best person to be leader. In fact, Aubrey didn't quite know how he was still in charge. He was a bit of a tyrant and had anger issues, making him explode over the slightest things.

Soon the bell rang and everyone began to get up and get back to whatever they had been doing before lunch, so Aubrey decided to go see if Trace had caused any problems.

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