Chapter 02 - I promised and I will fulfill Helena.

Start from the beginning

I drove more than 160 km / h (99.4194 miles per hour). Helena was sad, bowed, pensive.

- For nothing of this world I will lose its parade and then I want to talk with you, about what you saw ok? She said looking sadly at her.

"Life is yours, Rog, you do what you want, but I'm upset that you're cheating on Jill, and on top of that, failing me, on engagement." Said Helena sadly.

"Helena, please do not be upset with me. I'm trying to fix things, "he said sadly." I've got a hangover son of a bitch, I paid for the bus ticket, so I can come in and stop you from traveling on the bus. I promised you that I would go to your parade and that I would take you.

She looked at me in amazement.

"You bought a ticket just to stop me from traveling on the bus?" - she asked.

I took the bus ticket from the side pocket of my pants and handed it to her. I drove in silence. Her eyes filled with tears.

"You did this for me?" She said in shock.

Of course I did. "You're very important to me, Helena. You are an angel in my life. I did not want to hurt you. Forgive me for everything that has happened. I'll explain later.

Helena looked at me with an angelic look, but remained silent. I drove like a suicide madman on the freeway, but it was necessary. At three o'clock sharp, we arrived at the University of Surrey and parked the car. Helena and I hurried off and followed her to the entrance of the girls who would take part in the parade. Helena showed her inscription to the woman.

"You have half an hour to change clothes and do the makeup. Said the woman. "At half past three it has to be ready.

- Yes ma'am. Rog Pray for me, please. She said apprehensively.

- Of course I'll cheer. Good luck, "I said, smiling, and I looked for a place in the audience, from the auditorium where the parade would take place.

At four o'clock in the afternoon, a man came up in the auditorium with a microphone and announced that a hundred girls would take part in the fashion show dress of the University of Surrey students. There were three jurors, who are from the fashion world. Of the hundred girls only twenty would be chosen for the next step. The parade began and girl by girl went on stage and paraded with the dress. Very beautiful girls were parading, but by the time Helena came in I was mesmerized by her beauty. She certainly was the most beautiful of them all. Everyone in the audience applauded. Helena was in a red, long mermaid style dress that perfectly matched her curves and perfect curves. She had a light makeup, showing her angelic air. Her beautiful black eyes gleamed. She smiled during the parade. She stared at the jurors fearlessly and smiled beautifully at the cameras, at the photographers present. After almost thirty seconds on stage she left and entered another. After the hundred girls paraded, they entered the stage and were applauded. Then began the classification of twenty girls, without random order. One by one the girls were called and no Helen was in her twenties. They called the nineteenth girl. There was only one spot left. I looked at Helena and realized that even though she was smiling, she was distressed.

"And who is the twentieth girl who will move on to the next stage?" Asked the host.

At the microphone the jurors said it was Helena. Helena smiled and gestured at the heavens and was applauded. I was sitting on the back seats of the auditorium, but I screamed her name.

- Beautiful Helena.

Helena looked at me and smiled beautifully.

Then the twenty chosen were to change dresses and put others. The next stage of the twenty will be chosen ten girls. Half an hour later, we returned to the contest and the twenty girls paraded in new dresses. The girls chose the dress they wanted to wear. Helena this time came in a long black dress with sparkles and a large slit open on the right side, showing a little of her beautiful leg. I smiled silly when I saw her dazzling. Helena, at eighteen, even though she is still so young, is a woman in these dresses, a goddess. I applauded her as I entered, as did other people. At the end of the Twenty's Parade, they joined the stage again and ten were chosen and Helena moved on to the next stage. My friend is excited. I see that Helena will have a great future in the world of beauty pageants. She delights everyone with her beauty, her angelic air and sympathy.

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