Cherryblod X fem! reader

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Requested by: Jolieppunk
He is not married to Doloz in this story. So no Lobco, sorry. Also, you are friends with Kasago (my OC).

Cute date

Cherryblod invited you to his house today and you were super excited to see him. It's been a while since you knew him and you may or may not have a huge crush on him. Right now you were getting ready to go to his place. You put your H/C hair in a bun (if your hair's too short for a bun, it won't be tied at all). Once you were ready, you got out of your house. One of your friends was walking around like she always does.

"Hey Sago!" You say. She turns to you, and slightly smiled. "Hey (N/N). Going to Cherryblod's house I see." "How did you know?" "You only wear dresses or skirts when you go to Cherryblod's house." (Sorry if you wear dresses/skirts often >~<) "Oh, right." You both started to walked towards Cherry's house. (#BestNickNameEver)

|Time skip brought to you by Meta Knight|

You were still walking to Cherryblod's but alone. The reason? Kasago left you all alone because an albino shark wanted to do 'things' to her. (If you know who and what I mean) While walking, you become more and more nervous about tonight.

*~Cherryblod's POV~*

I was making everything perfect for my dear Y/N. Why? Because I had a crush on her ever since I laid eyes on her. Everything about her was perfect; her adorable personality, her shiny H/C hair, her beautiful sparkly E/C eyes, everything. That F/S/A (favorite sea animal) was the only one for me. I heard a knock on the door. I fix my F/C bowtie and answer the door with a large smile on my face. Though it quickly faded when, instead of seeing my sweet Y/N, I saw the annoying Doloz. (She's in human form, bare with me k?)

"What are you doing here?" I said almost coldly. "Why I came to see you! I see you're dressed fancier than usual. Were you waiting for me~?" She sais with a sickening sweet voice. "I'm actually waiting for Y/N." "Ugh, that bitch? She isn't even pretty!" "To you maybe, but not for me. Oh, and just so you know, you're the bitch." (OH DAMN! YOU BE ROCKIN' THIS CHERRY!) "Hmpf! Keep saying lies, I don't care!" She then stomped away, angry as ever.

*~Normal POV~*

As you were getting closer to Cherryblod's house, you saw your rival. Or as people call her; Doloz. She looked furious, but words could not describe how mad she was when she saw you. She walked over to you and bitch-slapped you. Kasago, who was coming back, saw it and went to beat her ass up. You decided to just go to Cherry's house where you'll be safe.

Arriving at his door, you gently knocked on it. The door opened, revealing the one and only Cherryblod. At first, he had a frown on his face, since he thought it was Doloz again. But his frown immediatly turned into a bright smile when he saw it was you. "Ah! C/N/N! (Cute Nickname) Come in!" He said, almost dragging you in.

*~Kasago's POV~*

I let Doloz go so I wouldn't murder her. As much as I wanted to, some people (surprisingly) like her. I turned in the direction of C-blod's house. (dem Nicknames skills I have) I thought about leaving them to themselves, but me being me, I decided to see how their little date is going. I creep to the closest window wich happens to be where they have their litt- okay, that's getting really annoying. For short, I stalked them. There. Happy now?

*~Regular POV~*

Cherryblod led you to his kitchen where he had set up a fancy dinner. Him, being the gentleman he is, pulled the chair, waited for you to sit and pushed it enough so you're comfortable. He then sat across from you and served some of the food. You both started eating and talking about random things. While talking, you noticed your scorpionfish friend but didn't say anything since you knew she was just watching. After you both finished you decided to watch some cartoons. (Star vs the foe y'all)

|Time skip brought to you by Ayano Aishi|

It was gettin late (close your eyes, sleep for days) so you decided to go home. You were about to open the door to go back home but Cherryblod prevented you from doing so. "Cherry, what are you doin- !?" He cuts you off by pressing his lips on yours. "You were leaving without a goodnight kiss! ^^" "B-but we n-never had goodnight k-kisses!" "Well it's about time de do!" He said with a teasing smile. After you got out, you saw Sago giving you a thumbs up.

I'm actually kinda proud of this one. Idk why though.

Next: Tsumuri

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