Once in a lifetime

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I don't know anymore, when I'm thinking to hard I hit a door. And on the other side of that door is another door and another door and another door. The words printed in bold to show the importance, love, hate, or hurt.

I stand there for hours upon hours, days upon days, months upon months, contemplating on my decision because when you add them up they equal each other. Chose love and end up hating and hurting that person, chose hate and you end up hurting and loving that person still... Chose hurt and you end up loving and hating that person.

There's no differentiation because this is life, and life is filled with emotion. So I sit in this dark hallway with my eyes closed letting the only bright thing burn threw me and years from now I won't be ready. Never will be ready and people ask why? I'm tired of that damn word why? I don't know why but I will find out.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26, 2014 ⏰

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