1. "You can never get rid of me"

Depuis le début

Carter fixed his hair, god that looked sexy, wait what the hell am I saying? 

I looked at him through my lashes. 

"Well Mr Miles, my car wouldn't start this morning so I was obviously running a little late" he said smoothly, I knew he was lying. He'd always sleep a little longer, he was obviously not interested in school work. 

Mr Miles nodded and said. "Carter I want you to sit next to Victoria today, you seem like your not paying attention when your sitting over there," great! now I officially hate English. Mr Miles was right, Carter wouldn't pay attention to any of the lessons, he would always look window. 

I looked away from Carter since he saw me looking at him. 

He smirked. He sat down next to me, taking out all of his books. 

"Alright where was I?" Mr Miles started speaking again. "Oh yes, your next assignment is about asking as much as questions you can possibly can to your partner. Yes your going to in partners and before you guys want to choose it's going to be your table partners." Everyone groaned and sighed, I just closed my eyes tightly to let all of my anger out. I didn't want to partners with Carter no way in hell!

"Told you, you can never get rid of me." Carter whispered in my ear which sended shivers down my spine. 

I moved slightly away from him. "Whatever." I gave him a glare and he gave me amuse look on his face.

You see me and Carter, a few years ago we were let's say sort of best friends. We used to hang out with each other everyday, sit with each other in lessons and lunch obviously Serena and Charlie would be there with us. But all of a sudden we parted different ways, he wanted something else which was popularity and I obviously didn't want to be in the crowd, I started missing Carter every single day because we used to hang out a lot but then we stopped. One year passed and Carter still didn't text me or either speak to me,more and more days had passed and I was getting depressed and my dad was definitely worried about me. Carter then later turned into a bad boy in this school which slightly surprised me but he was still the center of attention.

A couple of weeks after that, I was in the cafe ordering a drink with Serena and Carter and couple of his friends were there sitting down. Once I got my drink me and Serena were about to leave, but Carter crashed into me which caused my drink to spill and apparently it was a 'new shirt' he looked at me shock because he didn't know weather he'll ever see me or speak to me, he later told me I should of looked where I was going and guess what I did? I smiled, because I finally got to hear Carter's voice for so long. 

Someones hand was waving in front of my face. 

I blinked a couple of times and registered what was happening. I turned to face Carter he looked at me in concern. 

I got really fed up Carter and I also started ignoring him. "What?" I raised my voice. 

He fixed his dark brown hair, and stared at me. "I was wondering if you wanted to your assignment a your place?" he was actually willing to do school work? wow! this doesn't sound like Carter. 

I laughed bitterly. "You actually do school work?" he just stared at me with no emotion, it was really hard to read Carter but I know he has a heart and right now I slightly heart his feelings. "Fine we could do the school project at my place." I said clicking my pen.

It was nearly the time for the bell to go off. Everyone started getting off from there chairs, putting there books inside there bag. Carter did the same and slug his backpack on his one shoulder. 

"What time do you want me to come over at?" he asked. 

I shrugged. "Whenever." I honestly didn't care since I don't do anything fun. 

The bell rang, and I quickly left I was probably the first person to leave. 

Oh god today is going to be interesting since Carter is coming over. And it's going to be awkward because we haven't spoke to each other for almost two years. 

I just pray to god hoping everything will be okay.


Hey Lovers! I know it says I would update on March the 14th but I thought what the heck it doesn't matter so I am going to be updating this story.

 I hope you liked this chapter? let me know what you think about it by commenting down below 

And I wonder what will happen to Tori and Carter? 

Make sure to Read/Vote/Comment!

Where To Find Me:

Instagram: LoversAllTogether

Twitter: LoveIstaken12

Ask F.M: LoveIstaken12 (Remember to ask me tons of questions for tomorrow because I need them and I will answer them tomorrow!)

Remember if you have a story and you want me to read it then let me know by inboxing me! :D I look forward to reading your stories! 

Next Update: Friday or Saturday :D or even earlier! :)

Bye Lovelies <3 

Walk On The Wild Side [Not Edited]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant