Saturday School

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I arrived at school on Saturday morning. Which was 8am. I was right on time. Unlike bad boy who hadn't even arrived. It had been an hour that had passed. Was he even planning on coming? I was here all alone like some idiot. The principal entered the room.

Principal: Is you friend coming or not?

Me: How am I supposed to know. He's not my friend. You just gave me a Saturday school that I didn't even deserve. He was the one throwing the food, not me.

Principal: Then why was it that you had mash potatoes on your face?

Me: It was because I was passing by in front of you when he flung the food.

Principal: Hmm. Well, there's nothing we can do now.

Me: Yes there is. You can let me go home. I did nothing wrong in order to even be here.

Principal: Nope, sorry, no can do. You have to stay here.

               *The door opened*

It was him. The one who even got me in this mess. He didn't even have the decency to come to Saturday school on time. This was so stupid. We were the only ones there and he couldn't even show up on time.

Principal: Well, look who decided to show up. What was so important that you couldn't show up on time young man.

Justin: I was sleeping and then I ate breakfast. I mean sleep and breakfast are the most important things for a teenager, right?

I seriously couldn't believe the nerve he had to literally just say that. Who does he seriously think he is? Freaken jerk is what he is.

Principal: Sit down already. By the way, you better look forward to another Saturday school this weekend. If your not on time next Saturday then I'll suspend you along with a following Saturday school and if your not on time to that one then you'll just be expelled.

Justin: Oh calm down old man. I was only an hour late. That's not such a big deal compared to what other teenagers do. I could've just not shown up.

Principal: And if you hadn't shown up you would've been assigned a new Saturday school. Don't try to be a smart ass with me. I can expell you in a matter of seconds so don't you dare try to push my buttons.

Justin: Whatever

He said falling on the chair with a huge sigh of exhaustion. The principal walked out of the room as Justin threw a piece of minty gum. Luckily, he wasn't one of those guys who chew their gum with their mouth open. It was dead silent, like, a fly could fall on the ground and it would seem like the loudest thing in the world. It was super quiet for a good fifteen minutes until he looked over my way. His eyes were so beautiful and his lips were the perfect shade of pink. Not too dark and not too light. His hair looked as soft as silk. His face was as clear as it'd be as a baby. It looked so smooth.

He stayed there facing me for what seemed to be forever. I felt like there was mountains of sweat running down my face. I started fiddling with the ends of my fingers. My heart was racing at the speed of light.

Justin: Your nervous

Me: W-What? No, no I'm not.

Justin: Yes you are

Me: Your dillusional

Justin: Why? Because I said your nervous about being alone in a room with a guy for the first time.

Me: I've been in alone in a room with a boy.

Justin: Sure, like when?

Me: Like, all the time. (Such a lie)

Justin: Yeah, with who?

Me: My boyfriend. (An even bigger lie)

Justin: Does he get jealous easily?

Me: No, why?

He moved in close before I could get my thoughts together. Before I knew it, our lips were connected. My eyes widened. His eyes were calmly shut. For some reason, I couldn't step away. I was too scared to. This was my,....first kiss.

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