Chapter 22: A test of trust

Start from the beginning

We sat there for a few more minutes.

"Me and you are alike in more ways then the obvious," I said. "For one: we always follow our heart. two: We are both adopted. Three: we would do anything for the people who adopted us. And this is why in some ways I see you like a brother."

He was clearly shocked.

"But after everything I have done!" He says.

"You have made mistakes," I say nodding my head. "But as I have just proved so have I. Now instead of moping how about we go and talk to our team so you can give your own opinion!"

He nods.

"Ok and Courtney!" I turn back to him. "Thanks, you make a great leader!"

I smile widely at him.

*Back to action*

We get back to the lab just in time to hear Conner speak.

"Yeah now he forgets to tell us," Conner said as we were walking down the stairs. I seen my dad sitting at the computers. "Mesagog's his dad. Glad he's changed."

Trent walks forwards clearly annoyed.

"I made a promise!" He states and everyone glances over to the two of us as he speaks.

"What about your promise to us?" Leanne asked quietly.

"I never let my feelings get in the way of my ranger duties," Trent reminded him.

"He's right!" I stuck up for him and the others looked at me a little annoyed.

"That may be true Trent," my dad said as he got up and we glance back at him. "But you put us in a difficult position. Conner may be right. I just don't know how we can ever trust you again!"

I could see the look on Trent's face.

"Then let me help you all out!" I said. I was a little annoyed with my dad had he forgotten last year. "Last year I went through the same thing. And now I am going to tell you about my time as a Ninja ranger."


A young sun ninja running through the grounds as her school was attacked. Someone who she knew crashed into her. "Mickaela what is going on?"

"It's Lothor he's attacking the school!" The young girl said.

She was then met by her sensei.

"Courtney there's no time to explain take this box and you and Mickaela must go to blue bay harbour and find sensei Watanabee and his son. They will explain what you must do!"

The box being opened to reveal a orange fire morpher.

The two thunders and the one fire ranger turning out to be Mickaela and Blake and Hunter.

Mickaela fighting Courtney as a ranger and Courtney a human.

That's it! Friend or not I've had enough I'm sick of this, you have the upper hand because you are a ranger. Well it's time to even the odds." Courtney raising the wrist with her morpher on.

"Fire storm ranger form ha!"


I then looked up again.

"When I first became a ranger I felt like I couldn't do anything right," I told them. "Then I started using strange powers that were not apart of my ninja powers.


Flaming out of the Fire academy grounds.

Flaming herself and her friends away from Hunter and Mickaela.

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