Chapter 15: Triassic triumph

Start from the beginning

Conner looked livid as he looked at Trent.

"I knew it," Conner said and as he stood up to walk towards Trent so did I. I stepped between the two of them. "You should never have been here in the first place!"

"Conner stop!" I ordered him and he stopped a little shocked. "I have been with Trent all day and nothing has gone on. Now I know you're angry, but don't blame Trent."

My team all stood and looked at me for a few minutes before dad spoke up.

"Courtney's right we don't have the time for this," he said and he turned to Leanne and Trent. "We're gonna need back up big time. Trent, Leanne come with me."

Leanne looked confused and Trent a little grateful.

"Why not me? Or one of the others?" Conner asked shocked.

"You'll all have your part to play in this Conner!" dad explained as he started to walk off with both Leanne and Trent. "Trust me, right now I need Trent and Leanne. Courtney, Keep an eye on the city and call us if that thing returns!"

I nod. "Be careful, all of you," I tell them and they nod their heads and take off.

Only a little while later I have to call Conner back who had gone to the soccer field. That Terrorsaurus monster was back and I didn't know wether to try and take it on or call my dad first.

Conner arrived a few minutes after I called.

"What's up?" Conner asked as he walked over to us.

"Our problem just got bigger," Kira said and we all seen a 30ft Terrorsaurus.

"He's in the woods outside of town," Ethan explained.

"So what are we waiting for?" Conner asked.

I sighed at him.

"Our orders remember?" Kira asked.

"Dad said to call him, Leanne and Trent If that guy showed up again," I reminded him.

"Yeah but why?" Conner asked looking straight at me. "I mean It's obvious they've got something important to do. We can handle this. Come on!"

I look round at my team mates determined faces and nodded.

"Ok," I told him. "One condition. The minute things get ugly we call for back up."

Kira nodded her head in agreement.

"Sure!" Conner agreed.

"Let's do it," Ethan agreed. "We'll call the zords from here!"

We run to the back of the room.

"Ready?" I asked my team.

"Ready!" They agree.


We morph and take off to fight the monster.

*Back to action*

We take to our zords me in the thundersaurus megazord. I would only call my own megazord if needed.

"Where is he?" Ethan asked as when we arrived at the coordinates where the monster should be. Terrorsaurus was nowhere in sight.

"Somethings wrong!" Conner stated.

There was a crash of lightning and some smoke appeared. Out of the smoke the Spino-zord and the Cephla-zord appear.

"Look! Our zords!" Conner stated.

"Something's not right!" I tell them all.

I was right only seconds later, bubbles appeared and captured the zords in them.

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