Chapter 14: Copy that

Start from the beginning

"Why'd you do it?" I asked and he didn't reply so I continued. "You could have let those lasers hit me. But you didn't. Why?"

"I don't know," he said slowly and before I could say anything else he took off.

Could it be that there is still some good left in Trent. And if there was... how do I reach it.

*Back to action*

The others carried on looking for the monster but I returned to the dino lab.

"Dad I'm telling you,'' I say to my father who is sitting in his chair. "Trent is changing, and I think we will be able to bring him back."

"Courtney listen," my dad said turning to me. "We have thought this before. And it was threw back into our faces. Don't get your hopes up."

"You wasn't there,'' I snapped a little. "I saw a change in him... you need to trust me!''

"I do trust you," he says sounding insulted. "It's him I don't trust.''

"Look give me a chance to find out.." before I could continue the computer alerted us to the return of the monster.

"Right now," he said and I knew I wasn't going to be able to do this yet. "We need to help our team. Forget about Trent, please!"

I flamed out to where the others were getting off to where the others were getting off of their raptor cycles.

"Then where is he?" Kira asked as we all looked around.

"Looking for me!" A voice said from behind us and we turned to see the monster back. He pulled out some peppers. "I was picking peppers!"

He threw the peppers at us and they hit the ground in front of us making us roll out of the way to avoid being injured. The monster laughed.

"Be careful guys, he can copy our weapons remember," I reminded the team.

"Then how do we fight him?" Kira asked.

"I've got it!" Conner stated rubbing his hands together. "We close the head of the z-rex blaster, he makes a copy, he fires it, it explodes!"

"Conner I doubt that would work!" I tell them.

"Sneaky I like it!" Ethan said as if I hadn't spoken.

"Let's do it!" Conner agreed.

"Are you done with your meeting over there?" The monster taunted us.

Against my better judgement I formed the Z-REX blaster with the others and Conner made sure the head was closed.

"Ready!" Conner called.

"Copy," the monster said and he copied the blaster. "Z-REX blaster! Ready to go!"

"This is not going to end well!" I say under my breath.

"That's it..." Conner said slowly.

"Oh wait, almost forgot," and the monster opened the head of the Tyranno staff.

"Oh no!" Conner said realising what was gonna happen.

"Now it's ready!" The copy-otter said. "FIRE!"

He fired at the five of us and I raised a shield. The blast managed to send us flying backwards and I got separated from the others. I landed in the woods. I began to get up and I seen Trent standing watching the fight not too far from me.

"So I guess I get to fight the winner,'' Trent said rubbing his hands together.

I got back to my feet and walked towards him.

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