Chapter 14: Copy that

Start from the beginning

"That's exactly what I was waiting for!" The monster said and that worried me. "Now here's my secret power! Copy... Tricera shield!"

I was shocked when an exact replica of Ethan's weapon appears in the monsters hand.

"No way!" Ethan exclaimed.

The monster than shot at Ethan with his own shield and Ethan hit the ground. The four of us walked forward to were he was.

"Ethan!" Leanne and Kira say with worry in their voices.

"Are you okay?" Conner asked.

The monster laughs at our shock.

Leanne, Conner and Kira a run forward.

"Now it's on!" Kira said.

"Guys wait!" I call but the don't listen.

"Tyranno staff!" Conner call for his weapon.

"Ptera grips!" Kira yells.

"Cephla mace!" Leanne calls.

"COPY!" The monster yells and he copy's their weapons with the cephla mace over his shoulder for now and the other two in his hands.

"He copied our weapons!" Conner called in shock.

"That's cheating!" Kira and Leanne cry.

He then runs forwards and attacks my three team members knocking them to the ground. I pull Ethan up and we both run over to the other three.

"Guys," Ethan said as he leaned down towards his friends.

"You ok?" I ask them.

"He's got our weapons!" Kira said.

"What else does he want?" Leanne questioned.

"Copy!" The monster calls again and he speaks in Kira's voice. "Hi, I'm the yellow ranger. Ain't I cute!"

"My voice!" Kira says.

"Ooh that's cold," Ethan comments.

"That's enough!" I call.

"I agree!" The monster calls. "I have more important things to copy! See ya!"

"Oh no you don't!" I say.

Before the others can stop me I run after the monster. I chase the monster around the corner and reach him just in time to see him copy somebody. It was Cassidy.

"Oh I will probably regret that!" I hear the monster say.

"Yeah you will!" I say to it.

All of a sudden the monster was attacked by Trent. watched as Trent raced around and slashed at the monster. He then lands above us both.

"One of Zeltrax's freaks!" Trent said and then glanced at me. "And of course the orange ranger! Maybe you'll be a challenge!"

"Just the ranger I was looking for!" The monster said happily.

"Trent!" I yell but before I can warn him he sends lasers at me but he seems to miss deliberately.

"Stay out of the way!" He told me.

"COPY!" The monster now copied Trent's weapon who looked really shocked. "Sweet!"

"Hey!" Trent said.

"I'll be taking this,'' the monster informed Trent. "Bye-bye!"

I watched as the monster took off through an invisiportal.

Trent jumped down and stared at the spot where the monster had disappeared.

"What was that about?" He said and then turned to me.

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