Chapter 11: Truth and consequences

Start from the beginning

''Tell me?'' I finished glancing around.

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We were informed by Hayley that the white ranger was back. We raced out on our raptor cycles to get him before he does damage. We arrive to see him facing both Zeltrax and Elsa.

''Hold it right there!'' Conner says to all of them.

I growl when I spot the white ranger.

''Great!'' Elsa said as she glanced at us. ''That's all we need.''

''Whoa who's side do we take?'' Kira questioned.

''I know who's side I'm not taking!'' I warned staring at the white ranger.

''We'll make it easy for you!'' Elsa said. And she and Zeltrax disappeared.

Us five and the white ranger all turned to face each other.

''If you had any sense,'' The white ranger said pointing his weapon at us. ''You'd run too.''

''Oh trust me!'' I growl at him. ''Running is not what I had in mind!''

He looks at me and you can clearly see the anger coming off of me in waves.

''Let's do it!'' Conner tells us and we all run at the white ranger.

I jump straight at the white ranger with my Thundermax sabre and we clash swords. I kick him back and go running at him again. He stumbles and tries to get a hit in but my anger is driving me to fight better.

''What did you do to him?'' I roared at him. 'What did you do? You son of a-''

''Now, now don't swear,'' he taunted me as we grappled with each other. ''What would your dad say.''

''Because of you he may not say anything ever again,'' I yelled.

The others finally came over to help when the white ranger managed to get a slash across my chest and I went stumbling backwards this time. As I watched he knocked Conner, Ethan and Leanne away and used his sword to back Kira into a wall.

''Had enough,'' He asked her and I nodded behind hi back to her.

''Hardly,'' she called.

''SUPER DINO MODE!'' We both yell. I watch as Kira's suit changes and she grows basic wings that will help her to fly. I was impressed.

She knocked the white ranger away and then jumped into the air. I raised my arm ready to strike as she used her feet to grab the white ranger and lift him into the air. She smashed him into some object and as she went near me I jumped into the air and struck the white ranger across the chest and he fell to the ground hard.

''You'll pay for that,'' the white ranger said. ''I'm taking you down.''

I watched as he drew arrows in the air and I jumped into the air and tried to stop him from hitting Kira but before I could raise a shield the arrows hit the both of us. We both fell to the ground winded and the other rangers stood protectively in front of us.

''Lasers! Fire!'' All three of them yelled and they began shooting at the white ranger. He blocked them and they rebound back on the others knocking all three of them to the ground. As the white ranger laughed I got back to my feet at the same time as Kira.

''That's enough,'' We both said at the same time. I ran forward with her but the white ranger blocked us and sent Kira flying into the air. He then grabbed me by the arm and held it tightly.

''You're a little out of your league,'' He taunted me as I tried to get loose.

''Dude you don't know the half of what I can do.'' I said straining to get away from him.

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