Adison Kiderman The Rich Goth

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     Mr.Aph looks at me wearily then says,"No, I can pay you."
    "How about this. You don't pay me anything but any time I needs a favor or as many favors as I need you do it," I say with a powerful tone.
     "Deal," he whispers while nodding his head.
I stand up from the table and walk towards the door. Mr.Aph's ugly green eyes follow me as I walk out the door. Mr.Aph was the kind of man you never mess with, he has connections that i wouldn't have even heard of. I assume that's why he offered to pay me. I'm still not sure why his horse racing place is so run down. If I ran a place like this it would look the opposite and it would be packed. Especially since I know a few people.
I stand right in front of the dirty glass doors of Mr.Aph's place and my phone vibrates in my pocket of my ripped jeans. People walk by staring at me since I'm a rich goth.
I look at my phone, Tyler my brother is calling me. I really don't want to talk to him, every time I do he has to insult me for some new reason. I'm the rich one and he is always asking for money. Yet I always help him out with his money problems, he can't be nice to me. Sometimes I wish he wasn't my sibling, Hara and Marlyn actually respect me.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14, 2017 ⏰

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