Chapter 2

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Your POV
I finished cooking dinner. "Food's ready!" I yelled. I set up the table and sat down. Shortly after Emil came out of his room, walked quickly over to the table, took the food, and walked back into his room. I raised an eyebrow and continued eating.

Iceland POV
I took a bite of the food. It was revolting. Retching, I threw it out the window. It had the flavor of rotten fish pickled in pineapple juice (ohnoididnot). I grumbled to myself. "Is she trying to kill me?" I started to unpack. I stifled a sneeze and rummaged through my pockets for my hankercheif. "Wait, where is it?" I frantically started patting myself down. The hankercheif was something Norway had given me once for one of my birthdays. Feeling disappointed, I gave up and collapsed to the ground. My phone vibrated multiple times, and I flipped it open.

I finished eating the delicious dinner I had made. In the middle of washing plates, Iceland walked out of his room silently in his shirt and jeans. A ticked expression was glued onto his face, and was clutching his phone in an irritated manner. I chucked my down jacket onto him. "You'll get cold" He threw a wry smile at me before walking out of the apartment. I dried the remainder of the dishes and quickly put on my polar fleece jacket. I grabbed the keys, stuffed them into my pocket and ran out of the apartment, locked the door behind me and I started trailing Emil.

I peeked around a corner. This...isn't stalking right?! I'm just following him... I saw him turn a corner into an alley. I hid quickly behind a rubbish bin. A slap could be heard echoing through the alley. "Stop f***ing spamming me!" Emil yelled. I saw a guy that looked like the personification of a pineapple. He was grasping Emil's arm and had a dramatic look on his face. "Come on Icey! ;-; come back to the hotel!" The pineapple yelled. Emil shrugged the pineapple's arm off of him. "Get off. Your going to burn my skin off." The pineapple dramatically fell to the ground. "Why Icey! You're becoming more and more like Norgie everyday~...not that I can complain." Emil slapped him once again. "Child molester! And don't call me Icey!" He glared at the pinefruit.

"Who are you staying with, by the way?" Emil's face flushed a bright red. "U-u-um..." a smug grin stretched across the pinepear's face. "Ah, a girl I she cute?" Emil's eyes widened, and he averted his eyes. "I-I guess" "how about her boo-" the pineplum received another slap, and Emil ran towards the exit of the alley. "Leave me the f*** alone!" Pineapple sighed. He rubbed his cheek, "we were only pranking him..."

Iceland fell asleep on the couch. "Heh...heh...heh..." Denmark grabbed a permanent marker and started scribbling on Iceland's sleeping face. Mr. Puffin poked Iceland's leg to wake him up. He woke up to Denmark drawing a large ice cube on his face. Iceland stood up and ran to his room, packed his stuff into his backpack and ran out of the front door whilst frantically cleaning his face with a wipe. "Wait, Emil, Stop I'm sorry!"

Flashback Over
I ran after Emil and grabbed his wrist. He looked startled. "Wait!" I yelled. His eyes narrowed. "You were following me." "...uh no totally I wasn't following you uh.." I stumbled over my words. His face turned red, "did you see me arguing with someone?" He said quietly. I shook my head violently. "Do you want to go to a cafe for coffee?" I blew at my ice-cold fingers. He nodded. I grabbed his arm and lead him towards my favorite cafe.

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