CaddyCat: sure

I pulled out my phone and slowly pulled out the note again, the paper rough on my fumbling finger. The iPhone screen popped up as I then clicked the camera and snapped a photo of the words, emailing it to Lindsay.

LindsaythyGreat: Wow. That's weird. I wish you the best of luck on your dangerous mission sergeant. Good riddance.

CaddyCat: Wait. I never said I was going...

Halfway through my message, the icon on the bottom of my computer screen read "LindsaythyGreat logged off."

"Great," I muttered as I slammed the computer lid shut, covering my face with my hands.

'I say we kill her!' screamed Karra into my brain. She was going haywire, begging for blood. Hopefully the Fruit Punch I'd had for lunch had worked as a substitute instead.

It was funny how quickly Karra changed. One minute she wanted to join evil sides with Lindsay, the next kill her. And the older I got, so did Karra. And the older demons got, the more blood and kills they wanted.

It was going to be very difficult to control my demon.

The clock on my wall read 11:28, two minutes away from striking 11 and a half. My hands were clutching tightly on the streets, ready to strip off the covers and run out to the park.

When I heard my mother's snore next door, I quietly sneaked out to my window, a jacket clinging to my side. My body was rushed outside, almost falling out the window.

Before my body hit the hard, earthly ground, my wings expanded and flew me to a higher stature. I sighed with relief and tucked in my wings, landing softly on the ground while pulling the jacket over my feathers.

I checked my wristwatch, making sure I wouldn't be late. 11:28. Crap! I was going to be late! I threw off the jacket and tied it to my ankle again, quickly sprouting out my wings and racing to the park at full speed.

Flying high on my way, I kept thinking over why I had wanted to come in the first place. It was mainly because if I didn't come, than I knew this could pass up a chance off something I would might not hear again.

My wings tucked in as I dove into the Harver Park, quietly sneaking down onto the ground and hiding under a push to hide my wings in the jacket. When I knew they couldn't be seen my human eyes, a ran over the giant oak tree in the center, wear there against the tree was a dark figure in a black cloak.

"Glad you could make it," said a deep, masculine voice, coming from the figure. So he's a boy I guess.

"Blah, blah. I came. So what do you want?" I asked, crossing my arms. The moonlight reflected off my hair, giving it an error look of almost silver.

'KILL HIM!!!' screamed Karra in my mind. 'BLOODLUST!!'

I ignored her with all the power I could muster, listening to the man's next words.

"I came here because I know what you are." I gulped and stared at the ground, realizing he was probably hear to turn me in.

"I don't know what you're talking about." I wrung my hands and bit my lip, hoping he couldn't sense a lie.

"Don't lie to me." Looks like I'm wrong. "I know that you're a..." he paused before whispering in a deadly quiet tone," Winged."

I gasped and started to turn and run from him, knowing he was going to turn me in and get me, my family, and most likely all the living Wingeds killed.

Before I could start my sprint, the man grabbed my wrist and turned me back to face him. "I'm one of you. I'm a Winged."

He had dark, hazel eyes that if you looked close enough, changed to a deep green before reverting back again. The brown eyes he possessed showed cruel, devious qualities, while the green carried loyal, kind personalities.

In that moment I realized that maybe he was a Winged; split personalities and all. I didn't know that I would probably put all my trust in him one day.

"What's your name?" I asked, staring at the leaves calling from the giant tree.

The mystery man smiled and shook his head, replying,"Bennett Tyler, or Ben as they call. And you are..."

"Cadence. Cadence Bliss." I swore I sounded like one of those secret agents from the James Bond movie. I hang out with Lindsay way too much.

"Meet me here. Same time. Same place. We have more to discuss, Cadence." With that Bennett turned around and threaded off into the dark was and chill of the winter.

So so so so so very sorry for the late update! I've been so busy with school and appreciate all your likes, comments, and votes! Will update very so soon!

***Pic of Davis to Side***

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