wooh lawd

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Watermelons Pov;

Today I am going to my job cause like they been blowing up my phone talking bout;

"We gon fire you If you don't come in this week or whatever."

and I'm like

"uh ugh honey y'all need me and y'all ain't gon be nothing without me!"

But I can't trust myself sometimes and so I am off to Chik-fil-a.

︴At chik-fil-a︴

so I am up in here and it is hot as hell up in this bihhhhh like for real tho turn on the AC it's to hot to be having all darkskinned people in the place with NO TYPE OF AC

(No offense cause like my friends be saying shit like that or whatever.)

But anyways I'm working as the cashier and guess who comes in!!

Banana'Quan and his little groupie of friends and hoes.

Me; Welcome to chik-fil-a where we can do it your way! °I say tryna rush things °

Him; Yea. Lemme get 10 number 3's with 9 cokes and 1 sprite.

Me; Will that be all sir?!

Him; Yea but what's with the- Oh heyyy ma!

Me; Yea whatever here's your receipt.

Him; Yea thanks ma.

Me; Mhm.

i got his order ready and gave it to him he just took it and left.

I was just sitting there like he couldve saod thank you i domt know who took the stick out of his big ass.


that was just a filler cause i wanted to be lazy today and atleast i updated imma be updating more frequently

Im looking for a co-writer on this story and others (present and future) message me if interested.

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