Chapter 2

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In the morning I got dressed went downstairs I had scrambled eggs when I was done eating I went in the bathroom and brushed my teeth.I went to grab my backpack when my mom drove me to school Amanda was outside with Wyatt I gasp I got out of the car and Amanda said hi I was waiting for you and this is Wyatt.

I said I know he showed me around school on my first day yesterday. She said oh. When I got to my locker there was a note in there it said

Dear Chelsea,

I really like you and I was wondering if we could get to know each other better so I was wondering if you could come on a picnic with me in my backyard tonight

From Wyatt

I kinda screamed and I put it into my backpack and I told him  I will be there.

My first class was English I had to go up to the board and do a problem. It was really easy at the end of class we had to read 20 pages in books. Next I had art we just coloured pictures today it was pretty fun

After art I had computers we had to do math facts in a flash it is where you have to answer addition, multiplication, subtraction or divison. When computers was done we had to go to lunch we had tacos I sat by Amanda.

When lunch was over we had math it was pretty easy but we had to have five worksheets this time.

After math it was science our groups

Chelsea (me)



Three groups our mystery gift was toilet paper.

When science was done I went to Wyatt there were strawberries, and all kind of fruits and other food.

He said I liked you since I laid eyes on you and I want you to know. What is your favourite fruit strawberries ok and would you like to be my girlfriend Emily I said yes.

When I was done I went home and did my homework so I don't have to do it on saturday.

When I was done I went downstairs to eat supper when I was done I went back upstairs to change and brush my teeth then go to bed.

I hope you guys enjoyed please like and comment love you guys

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