Chapter 4:

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Bbs prov-

I was playing video games with cyborg. "I'm Gunna beat yeah!" He shouts

"GO BB!" Cheers terra,

"No way! Ima beat your butt!" Said cyborg.

"No way!" I shout. Then pass him at the video game.

"You passed me!?" He said. I smirked. Then I heard the doors open. I looked to see who it was and it was raven. I stared at her. I know I'm in a relationship with terra but I've loved her even before I met terra.

"HA! I beat you!" Shouted cyborg.

"Whatever dude." I say then finally taking my eyes off raven.

"What distracted you?" Asked terra. I couldn't tell terra! Or anybody!

"I don't know..." I said.

"Okay..." She said. Rae sat down on the floor by the window and started to read. I watched her for awhile. I've always loved how her silky beautiful violet hair covers her face when she reads. Even tho I love her soft, warming beautiful lavender eyes.

"Bb?" Asked terra.

I got out of my trance. "Wha?" I ask.

"Nothin" she said.

__________time jump!------------

-Rae's prov------

"Okay! Sense there was no fighting today... I wanna okay a game!" Said cyborg.

"What game?" Beast boy asks

"I'm not playing hide and seek" I say, face still into my book.

"Not that! I was talking about another game. Starts with a t!" Said cyborg.

"Oohhh! Ohhhhh!!" Said beast boy.

"What?" Asked terra,

"Idk" he answered,

"Give up?" Asked cyborg

We all nodded

"TRUTH OR DARE!" Announce cyborg.

"OHHH! No! Not this time!" I say closing my book

"Why noooottt!!" Said cyborg.

"Cause, that is an immature game!" I say sharply.

"Please!!" They all begged.

"Fine!" I said then sat down,

"OKAY! Now! Our contestants are... ROBIN! The boy wonder! Bat and sidekick but a great hero!! Leader of the titans! And obsessive over a dead robot we like to call slade!" He announced

"NEXT! Starfire. Sweet and Happy! but can really pack a punch! Sorry to disappoint you folks but she's stronger then she looks! Loves a mutant moth! We got consent number 2!" He says into a imaginary mic

"Next! We got a dirty one. She's tough. She loves to play in the dirt! She loves a good video game! TERRA!" He says,

"Next is a little snot monster in the color of puke after eating veggies. He is green, and he's a vegatarian! He is the biggest grass stain I've seen! Can never get a girl." He said "Sorry terra" he added quitely "BEAST BOY!"'he said. Beast boy glared at him for every single insult he just said.

"She's mysterious, she has a -" I cut him off. "I don't need an introduction" I said. He shrugged. "LETS PLAY!" "Robin truth or dare?" Asked beast boy.

"Truth" he answered.

"Do you like starfire?" He asked with a smirk. Which I acted like was annoying but I love his smile,

"Ummm...." He sayd nervous

"You do not like me?" Asks starfire.

"I like you! He's asking if I like you more then a friend" he explained quickly.

"Oh.." She added with a smile.

"Come in dude! We know you like her!" Said beast boy.

Robin grumbled "fine whatever." He said

"HA!" Beast boy said.

Robin then said "my turn!" "Truth or dare.... Cyborg!"

Cyborg then said "DARE!"

"I dare you to eat as much as you can!" He said.

"Done!" Cyborg said then ran to the fridge. In less then 10 minutes the whole fridge was empty.

"Wow" said robin

Cyborg just patted his stomache "ahhhh.,, MY TURN!" He shouted then we all sat back down

"RAVEN!" He said. "I don't want to do Anything stupid so... Truth" I said.

"Who do you like?" He asks. I pull my hood over my head and say "can't tell"

"OHHH! Raven has a crush! You have to tell" said beast boy. Not knowing that if I said my crushes name. It would be him.

"Come on Rae." Said cyborg

"Okay..." I said. "Ummmm... I'll give you hints and you guys guess" I say. They all nod

"He's short. About this tall" I say then out my hand up to make about how tall beast boy was.

"JERCHIO!" Shouted cyborg

I shook my head,

"He A prankster!" I say, trying not to give hi away

"Come on!! We know lots of people like that! Give us something that will give it up" said beast boy.

"Okay..." I sigh

"Okay..???" They said.

"He's a certain...umm" I said

"A what?" Says cyborg

"A certain sombodu" I say gueitly. I put my hood up and look at everyone's faces, . I get up and walk out of the room. "That was close," I told myself.

love triangle, BBRAE fanficWhere stories live. Discover now