A new language

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Slave is on the grave,
But on the grave Angel is engraved,
Beware of the hearts start,
Beware those who seek the peek,
This internal rhyme took some time,
But enough of this bluff,
The ocean of the mind is what keeps us blind,
Sight of the lost gone because of the sins cost,
Sending love over by the messenger of the dove,
Laying and praying,
For our redemption as we hope for salvation,
We saw the seers when they saw,
Who began to walk while others only talk,
The angel who told her she was perfect from every angle,
Take my life but end my strife,
Ease the pain but bleach the stain,
The knife takes away life...
But the skin is full of sin,
Have you felt the pelt,
Soft as fur these words concur,
Smooth as the glass which we all pass,
Did you see the ghost boast,
No more suffering and it kicks our puffing,
To rhyme is to speak in another language, in learning different parts of this deep sleep.

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