Chapter 6: First Floor Hallway

Start from the beginning

"Aww, did you just trip??" Yesa mocked the girl. "You can't drink it anymore, can you??" Yesi joined in. The girl just kept her mouth shut, stood up, and left. She knew it was not worth it to argue with the twins. Josephine wanted to approach the girl to ask if she was okay, but before she did, something caught her attention.

There was someone bumping into Yesa, because she's blocking the way.

"Watch it, nerd!" Yesa spat before she even saw the one who bumped her. It turned out to be Angel. Angel didn't even look like she's sorry at all, or that she regretted what she had done.

"Sorry," Angel said with a serious tone, but not sorry at all.

"Next time you bully someone, make sure you're not blocking the way." That's all she said, before leaving the twins and headed to the other way.

"Bitch." Yesa mouthed to her twin.

Josephine ignored what just happened and approached the girl the twins bullied.

"Hey, are you okay?" Josephine asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine. But my uniform is.." she gestured to her own wet uniform.

"Soaked. Yup." Josephine replied with a sigh. "Don't mind them, they're just... mean. They don't have anything to do besides bullying people, especially freshmen."

"I don't know why I don't react much to something like that, you probably think I'm going to freak out or whatever, right?" The girl said casually. "It's fine. I'm used to it." She chuckled.

"Well, I hope you'll feel better here comparing to your old school." Josephine laughed. "What's your name?"

"I'm Hanna." The girl replied.

"Hi Hanna, I'm Josephine." Josephine replied with a smile. But then Hanna's eyes widened when Josephine introduced herself.

"Josephine? Like, the Werewolf Game Josephine?" Hanna asked curiously. Josephine rolled her eyes playfully, knowing her obvious reaction.

"Yeahh, but it's really gone now anyways." Josephine laughed. "It was years ago and, just let the past stays in the past."

"Okay." Hanna laughed and didn't ask for further questions. Suddenly, the teacher blew the whistle to begin the scout program.

"I better get to my friends then, see you Hanna." Josephine said. "Bye, Josephine!" Hanna replied and they both left to their friends.

The scout program began until one and a half hours had passed. The students were exhausted from their activities and couldn't wait to get to their bags and went home.

They all finished at 4.30PM, all of the students quickly left the auditorium and went down to the 4th floor, which was their classrooms to get their bags. Josephine and Ellen fetched their bags and left to find their friends again. Josephine finally took out her phone after not using it for 9 hours.

They went looking for their friends to each of their classrooms, until they found all of them.

Josephine was on her phone, she heard her friends talked about something but not really paying attention to it.

"Really! I mean it this time!" Lauren exclaimed to Maurent.

"No. I bet you will scream the moment you step on that floor!" Maurent replied by laughing.

"You can dare me to pay your lunch for a whole week if you can get through that without screaming." Sam said.

"Bitch, please. I can get through it with no flashlight." Sesil said.

The Anonymous Message (Sequel to The Werewolf Game)Where stories live. Discover now