Chapter 2

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      Tobias POV

      As I drew nearer to whatever or whoever was hidden behind the bins, I tried softening my steps to try getting quieter.

      I tripped.

     I had stepped on my beaten leg and it somehow slipped on a pebble and I fell as pain shot through my ankle up to my thigh. I heard fast shuffling in front of me and as I tried to get up,I saw a wisp of yellow as it ran out of my sight back toward the street while I laid stranded on the floor.

       I laid flat down on the ground, it was no use. I couldn't run with this leg and if I did, it would get worse and I probably wouldnt be able to even walk!

       I started getting up slowly and made my way, using the wall to help me maintain my grip until i reach the car. The boss is going to kill me when he finds out about this and i'll probably get laid off work for a week or so. Dad will probably complain to all his rich friends about how I should've known better than to work with a wounded leg and yet he will give me a secret smug look everytime he looks my way. He'll probably even hurt my other leg if im not careful.

      Once I got inside the car I thought over who that person might've been. I know he was short because he created a shadow as he went and I know he was blonde. Or atleast I think. My eyes were a bit unfocused when I saw the yellow. It might not have been hair. It might've been a hoodie since it looked pretty long. Wait no. The person mightve had long blonde hair. The person might've even been a female.           Wait 

     Dammit. Did I just let a little girl outrun me?This week has been bad enough and now this too? I zoning out just as i spotted a small, black journal in front of the trash bin where the hooded girl was. I walk slowly towards the filthy looking book and pick it up.It probably belonged to the dealer...

       Tris POV:

        I run back to my run down apartment which i share with my brother,Caleb. Our parents died in a car crash four years ago, but some say it was actually my dad's business partner, whoever he was, who caused it somehow in order to inherit some money as he was close to us, like a relative. But yes we were rich, extremely rich, those days....ah...whatever. There's no point in thinking of how my life, plus Caleb's, wouldve been different if we still had our mom and dad. I didn't care about the money as much as I cared about them. Atleast when they were alive.

         I change into my pajamas when i suddenly remembered that i had my diary in my sweatshirt and its usually around this time when I write in it. I cant help but think how girly it is to keep a diary but it helps me arrange my thoughts and analyze my days, plus ive had it since age 10. The thing is that I usually don't carry it around, but today when caleb found out that i actually kept a diary i wanted to make sure he didnt read it.i dont want my brother snooping around in what is basically my mind palace...or book.

      I check for diary in my sweatshirt that I had laid on my bed after arriving, but the diary was nowhere to be found...that's when i realized........OH...I'm in BIG trouble....

        I grab an old hoodie from my closet and put it on with the hood over my head and run toward the door and head towards the streets and finally saw the alley, but the cop hadn't left. SHIT. That's when i noticed the diary in his hands.

       Today has officially become the one of the WORST day of my life....okay thats an exaggeration because well.... I havent gone through what you would call a glorious life but well this is in the top 30s.

      I lose track of my thoughts as I realize that the cop has gotten in the car already and is starting it up, ready to drive.

      Damn my zoning out!        

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