6. Not My Knight In Shining Armour (Part 2)

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Okay, so I kinda forgot about this....


So, here is the second part to:

Not My Knight In Shining Armour.


Trico POV:
I watched (Name) as the color left her face.
Does she know what that thing is?
Does she know if it's safe or dangerous?

I quickly grabbed (Name) by her shirt, and started running towards a new hallway.

Better hope there's no more of those things.

Once I ran into the hallway, I looked around, still running, and didn't notice the group of the skeleton creatures.
And I Ran. Right. Into. Them.

The group of skeletons where all lined up against the wall, so I hit face-first into the wall- after running into the skeletons.
What made it hurt worse is that the skeletons where wearing full gear heavy metal armour. Ouch.

I felt (Name) fall out of my mouth.

The horrible noise of bones smashing together filled my pointed ears. I looked over and saw one of the skeletons taking (Name) away from me. I growled. Why was I growling? I honestly don't know! (Name) is just special to me.. She's the first human that could understand me. Well, the first nice one...


Hey, I gotta cut this short, the third part will be out soon. Sorry, something came up and I have to make a Authors Note for it.
Bye.. :(

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