Pale and Gray

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AN: Hi! Ive been on wattpad forever now, and I just decided I wanted to test out writing on it! This is a story I typed up earlier in the year for a school assignment, and I decided to post it as a test. KEEP READING THIS PLEASE ITS IMPORTANT! I don't know if I want to do more writing on here, I think I'd need some assurance that people would give me feedback. So, if you want to see more of my writing, leave a comment!


       It was one of those nights. Maya watched through the steamy window as the thick grey fog rolled over the hills like a scary prose. The sun had just fallen from the sky, and so it appeared as if all the color had drained out of the world. Maya curled up on the couch, wrapped in a thick blanket. Normally, she was nothing like an introvert, and would never be caught staying in on a Friday night. Sadly, her aching head and rolling stomach had made her subservient  to illness. The bright light of the warm study contrasted strongly with the bleak, dark, grey blanket that had covered the backyard.

With no warning, a spark of lightning distorted Maya’s view.

     Maya jumped a foot in the air, and again when an enormous roll of thunder echoed through the house, making everything tremble, and the TV and lights to crackle, then go out. Swearing, Maya fumbled around the darkness until she finally found a flashlight. The beam of light cast everything into eerie shadows. With no snappy retorts from zippy television characters to listen to, Maya sat down and gazed out the window, bored. But something was there that wasn’t before. And that something was moving.

     A small object, no bigger than a human hand- no! It was a hand. The skin was pale white, flesh flaking and peeling off in gruesome patches. The blood trickling down from numerous cuts and slices in the skin was as black as tar.  The hand twisted and contorted,writhing around the grass, yanking itself out from where it was buried from the wrist down. Maya gasped, and ran. Ran as far away from that image as she could. Her footsteps pounded down the stairs and into the hallway. A scratching sound came from behind the door.

     Maya’s eyes widened. The scratching got louder and louder, accented occasionally by high pitched whines and squeals. Maya continued to stare at the door, paralyzed. Finally, she snapped out of her reverie, and carefully, ever so carefully, opened the door.

     Scottie, her yellow lab puppy, abruptly stopped whining and sat on the floor, staring at Maya.

     “You stupid thing!” You almost gave me a heart attack!” She snapped. “Go away!” Scottie snorted a little sneeze, then waddled over to Maya, perversely sitting on her feet. Miya sighed; Scottie was a rescue, and she couldn’t bear thinking about the adversity he had faced before being saved. Now, she could never be too mean to him. Gently shoving him off her feet, Maya went to look out the back window. The hand was gone, and everything looked normal. Had she imagined it?

     Scottie started barking suddenly. His paws were trembling, the fur on his spine rigid and straight. Maya’s head pounded. She couldn’t bear subverting her ears to this.

     “The door’s open!” She scolded. As if he understood her, Scottie bounded down the stair. Maya turned to look out the window again. Lightning struck down on the ground, and rain poured through the clouds. She averted her eyes from the bright light, but not before she caught a glimpse of a shadow. A man’s shadow. she could see the man now; his curved back was higher than his long, narrow face. His arms and legs were as thin as twigs, it looked as they might break any minute.

     Scottie bounded out of the house and howled at the figure. Maya could hear his ear splitting cries through the window. The man limped towards the dog. Everything in Maya’s head screamed, No! Don’t! Don’t touch him! But the man knelt down and patted his head, almost playfully.

     Scottie fell to the ground.

     “No!” Maya screamed. She ran downstairs and out into the freezing rain in her pajamas, forgetting about her cold. When she got out of there, the man was gone, as if he’d dissolved into the dark grass. Maya fell to her knees, shoulders shaking with silent sobs. That was when Scottie opened his eyes.

     They glowed bright red in the dark. He growled a dark, low, growl at Maya, who had jumped up and fell backwards, her body now soaking in a puddle. Scottie turned away and began sprinting in tortuous patterns, never slowing down or stopping. He ran into the front yard, out of Maya’s sight. Determined, although slightly shaking, Maya chased after him, just in time to see him attack the girl. 

     Scottie jumped up, higher than what should’ve been normal for a dog, and grabbed on with his teeth to the young little girl’s face. The girl screamed in terror, but Scottie stayed there, growling, slashing and snarling. Maya yanked the dog off of of the girl. Scottie looked her in the eyes, then dissolved, as if the rain was melting him, until he had dripped from her hands and formed a puddle, which then seeped into the asphalt, leaving no trace behind.

Maya screamed. A black poison-colored liquid that was all that remained of Scottie covered her shaking hands. She wiped them off on her bottoms and looked at the little girls face. It was Lucy, her neighbor, who had probably just been dropped of from piano practice. She was so young. Her eyes opened.

     They were the same bright red as Scotties had been, maybe even glowing brighter. Lucy’s mouth twisted into an evil smile. Her hand reached for Maya’s arm. Instinctively, Maya jumped back.The girls smile grew bigger. Faster than sound, she grabbed Maya’s arm and twisted, breaking the bone. Maya screamed an ear piercing moan. Her whole body felt as if it were on fire, not just her arm. She looked down. There was a tiny little handprint where Lucy had grabbed her. The black ink-like substance that left the footprint spread through her veins, burning like acid as she did. It spread from her arm, to her shoulder, to her heart--

     When Maya woke, her whole body went rigid. Someone was there, and it wasn’t Lucy. 

     “Maya, what happened to you?” It was her mom. Maya turned, and felt her face form an evil grin. Her mother looked taken aback at Maya’s red eyes. A part inside of her screamed that this was her mother, someone she loved, but Maya’s desire to kill blocked it out. Only semi-conscious of what she was doing, maya twisted her mothers arm like Lucy had done to her. She watched pleasantly as the poison spread through her mothers veins, listening to her pathetic whimpers, then let herself be dissolved into nothingness.


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15, 2014 ⏰

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