Chapter 2

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"Good morning everyone," Mr Lodge (our principal) said over the intercom, "today as you all know is the big day! As all of you know, Earth's core is unstable, in a weeks time it will blow up. Killing anything that is on the surface of the Earth. Only the smartest of us get to survive. The VR headsets have just turned on in front of you. You have 3 hours to complete this test. Good luck everyone."

"Hello, my name is Hope I am the test scanner," the AI said, "I will now scan your brain for 3hrs giving it questions to see how you respond. You will wake up in 3hr to learn your results. Are you ready?" "Yes," I replied. I started to feel loopy, I soon feel asleep.

"Jazz," my mother said softly, "wake up darling." "Hey mom, did I pass," I said as I was waking up. "That's why we are here Jazz," my father replied worried, "you didn't pass, your mother and I will be leaving in 30 minutes, we needed to say goodbye." "Mother, father," i said realizing I was going to die in a short time, "please don't leave me." "We need to go son, we will help save the human race from extinction, all I can say is that you should have paid more attention in school," my father responded. "We will always love you," my mother soon said as I was drugged back to sleep so I didn't follow.

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