Chapter Two: A Doctor Tries To Kill Me

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A/N Every chapter will be Percy's POV unless specifically stated otherwise.

I walked through a dim hallway. The only light came from the small lanterns on the walls, which cast a creepy glow on the room. The shadows seemed to dance. But, for some reason, I didn't feel scared or anything.

In fact, I feel oddly comforted by the shadows.

I saw a face in the shadows. It was two dark to actually see anything clearly except for two bright eyes that sent chills down my spine. There were some quiet, hissed words that seemed to come from the shadow that I couldn't make out, as if it were a different language. In fact, it probably was a different language. But not one that I recognized. Then, my vision went completely dark, and I opened my eyes to see the real world.

I shut my eyes again right after. The lights had momentarily blinded me. Why do they do that? Are they trying to blind me? I slowly opened my eyes again, but then closed them again and groaned. I heard someone stand up and walk to where the light switch should be.

I tried to move, but a sharp burst of pain stopped me.

"Sorry about that, sweetie," the doctor said.

(A/N No, not The Doctor.)

I held back a groan. She was going to be one of those doctors, was she? That says "sweetie" and treats us as three year olds.

"It's fine," I replied. "What happened?"

"You got hurt," she started gently. A looked at her for the first time and raised an eyebrow.

"I can feel that," I muttered. "Besides, why would I be in a hospital otherwise? Can you please just tell me what happened? I'm afraid I don't remember."

The doctor started at me for a moment.

"What?" I asked. "I know that when something bad happens, sometimes your brain makes you forget it."

The doctor shook herself out of it. "You were found in the corner of a room in your house. You're stepfather was in the same room. Apparently you were being abused."

"Oh," I muttered in understanding. "That makes sense. What were the injuries?"

"Broken ribs, lots of your teeth were knocked out, broken left arm and leg, broken right foot and hand, lots of bruises and cuts, major and minor, and. . . a broken neck."

(A/N It is possible to survive a broken neck.)

I suddenly become aware of the casts and bandages.

I painfully pushed myself into a sitting position. The doctor tried to tell me not to, but I didn't listen.

I examined the casts for my broken bones, but I couldn't move my neck very far because of the neck cast.

"Anything else?" I asked while inspecting the casts.

"Well," the doctor said hesitantly.

"Yes?" I prompted.

"Well, your heart did actually stop beating for a little while."

I was surprised. "But you managed to start it back up again?"

The doctor let out a kind of laugh, but it wasn't a happy one. "You act like it's a machine."

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