Chapter 10

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I stared at him. The leader, Granger, stared back in horror.

“You didn’t know?!”

I shook my head no. “How could you not?” He asked.

“No one I lived with knew…”

He looked at me in surprise.

“Maya, this may sound like a ridiculous question, but do you want to find your father?”

I nodded vigorously.

“Yes! More than anything!”

“Then I’ll help you find him. It’s been too long since you’ve seen him.”


“But what Maya?”

“Do you know what happened to my dad? Why did he have to leave? All he told me was that he was having problems with his powers.”

He sighed.

“Take a seat Maya.” Granger motioned towards the couch. Quietly I did so. He returned to his throne. “Yes, your father was having problems with his powers.”

“Like what? What was wrong?”

“He couldn’t control himself. You know how temperamental lycans are. He kept changing into beast without meaning to. And when he did, it was like a human on steroids. He went into a ravage frenzy.  Killed everything in his path. He was so afraid that if that happened when you were with him you’d get hurt. So he placed himself under vampire custody. They made the strongest chains for immortals. Your father didn’t want anything to happen to you. He did what he had to.”

No one had ever told me this before. None of it.

“Maya, I can get some men together to take you to him. It will take a few days though. Do you mind staying in a house with vampires?”

“Not really. I mean, I’m part vampire anyway.”

“Very true. Now, why don’t you go see what your friend is up to? I’m sure he’s still waiting outside.”

“Alright.” Standing I looked to Granger and smiled. “Thank you for this. It means so much to me.”

He returned the gesture.

“It’s a pleasure.”

With that, I turned and stepped out into the other room.


The other vampires here seemed nice. They all wanted to see what I could do. It was funny, to me, at least. But now I was resting in the large guest room in one of the tree houses. It was so nice to be sleeping in a soft bed again.

Knock, knock, knock.

“It’s open!” I called from my cocoon of blankets. From across the bedroom I could hear it creak open slowly.


That voice. That voice was so familiar. But why?

Then it hit me.

I pulled my head out from under the cozy covers. Looking at the doorway I saw the memorable face.


My fiancé smiled at me and slightly closed the door behind him. Damien sat down on the edge of the bed beside me.

“Hi Maya.”

“Hi,” I blinked, shocked, “W-What’re you doing here?”

“Are you not happy to see me?” He teased.

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