Chapter 7

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We walked through the dark forest. Floyd had gone back to his silent behavior. Which didn’t surprise me really; I knew Floyd would go back to his silence. I thought about the guy I had met. My first encounter with a vampire and it was…disappointing. I had expected something more menacing and freakish-like. But as we moved through the woods I just sighed. I noticed a light fog began to roll in.

My nerves started to jump like fish out of water.

“So how do you plan to help me, Floyd?”

No answer.

I stopped and looked around. The werewolf was no where to be seen. “Floyd?” I called. “Floyd?” Still he didn’t respond.

I was alone.

Listening keenly I heard a twig snap. “Floyd? This isn’t funny!” Looking around frantically I saw people start to appear in the gloom. My stomach knotted and my heart began to race. Turning around in circles I noticed that there were probably ten guys surrounding me.

 Closing in on me. “S-Stay away from me.” I warned weakly. My mind went into overdrive in panic. They kept closing in on me. I wanted to remember everything Drake taught me. But my mind was dead. Taking off into a full dash, I leaped over two of the guys to my right and ran for my life. I put my muscles to the test as I ran harder and faster. The beast inside me was starting to breach, I could feel it.

No, not now. My mind begged. I couldn’t let this happen.

Glancing behind me I saw nothing. Just when I thought I was in the clear, I was tackled to the ground.


My vision was blurry as I opened my eyes. Everything was dark around me. As I blinked, I felt my eyelashes brush against some sort of fabric. A groan escaped my lips. My head throbbed and my skull felt like it weighed two hundred pounds. I flexed my fingers leisurely. My arms felt taunt behind me. I was tied up. Just great. My feet were also strapped together tightly.

Something grabbed a handful of hair from the back of my head and yanked back. I gasped in shock and pain as light flooded my face. A flashlight maybe? It certainly wasn’t the sun. There was talking but I couldn’t make it out. Then someone grabbed my jaw yanking it down to open my mouth. Whoever it was, they also grabbed my lips and showed my teeth. There were some sounds. Were people gasping?

I could feel their hands inside my mouth examining the fangs. Instinctively I chomped down, drawing blood. A yelp was let out. Just when I was feeling a little good about it, a blow was thrown to my cheek. Someone punched me and knocked my stiff body over. They hissed at me fiercely. Lying on the cold ground I heard light switches go off and footsteps leaving.

After I was sure couldn’t hear anyone a light sob escaped my mouth. What a way to die – captured by monsters. Tears came out of my eyes, making the fabric wet, and continued to roll down my cheeks.


I had no idea how long it had been; where I was, or who I was with. Nothing. The only thing I was certain of as that I hadn’t really eaten in days, so it had to have been a while. These people never fed me. Like it was some sick experiment to see how long it’d take me to die.

I was cold, hurting, and alone. Every muscle in my body felt stiff from being stuck in the same position. What shocked me is that the chains binding me actually managed to hold. They couldn’t be made out of just an ordinary type of metal. No, these chains were made for immortals.

The sound of footsteps echoed off the damp walls. Moving my arms a little I tried to sit up higher, but my weak body only let me slouch down farther. Dried blood plastered my hair to the side of my head. My muscles were crying from being in the same uncomfortable pose all the time. I kept my head down, not wanting to see who was here. As the noise stopped, I bit my lip. My body began to shake with fear. What were they going to do to me now?

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