Mental Health Day

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Kara woke up to the smell of sausage and smiled happily. Eliza had recommended that, at least for the time being, Kara set aside one day a month to set aside all responsibilities, including DEO and CatCo business to help combat her anxiety issues. Kara thought the idea was silly because she seemed to be doing a lot better.

However, Lena was determined to help in any way possible, so she had insisted upon setting aside the first Saturday of every month as a mental health day for Kara, which included Lena making breakfast and dinner, ordering chinese takeout for lunch and pizza for Kara's meal between lunch and dinner, both women in their pajamas all day, snuggling on the coach, and a hell of a lot of Netflix. Lena had also sent Merc to Alex and Maggie's apartment for the day and had spent a good forty five minutes on the phone last night, arguing first with Snapper, and then with J'onn. In the end, J'onn's love and concern for Kara's wellbeing helped Lena to get her way, and threatening to give all exclusive interviews to the Daily Planet had shut Snapper up, and so Kara was home.

She stretched, yawning, and strolled amiably into the kitchen where she found Lena bent over a frying pan. Eggs, cinnamon, bread, breakfast sausage, and other ingredients were all spread out on the counter behind her.

"Whatcha makin'?" Kara asked, coming up behind Lena to peer into the frying pan.

Lena gestured to a platter on her right, barely bothering to look up. Kara licked her lips at the sight of a mountain of french toast and a griddle lined with sausage links. She moved to set the table. Fifteen minutes later, she was sitting across from Lena and piling toast onto her plate.

"Mmm. This is so good," Kara marveled. "You're cooking never ceases to impress me."

"So you've mentioned," Lena smirked.

Kara ate quickly, and Lena ate very little, so they were done in about ten minutes. They cleaned up together, Lena washing the dishes, Kara drying them with her superspeed, and then collapsed on the couch next to a huge pile of DVDs and board games that Kara had picked for them to watch.

"What d'you wanna do first?" Kara asked, eyeing the pile.

Lena gave her a sly smile and crawled onto Kara's lap. She gave Kara a hard kiss, biting Kara's upper lip in the process. Kara's eyes grew wide as she felt her hands being pulled down towards Lena's ass. Kara knew exactly what, and who, Lena wanted to do.


"What d'you wanna do now?" Kara asked forty five minutes later, pulling back on her sweatshirt.

"Let's see," Lena said, shifting through the activities Kara had laid out.

Lena's wavy hair was more than slightly disheveled and neck displayed several marks which Kara knew she wouldn't even bother trying to hide. Lena never seemed to care if Kara left marks. Actually, she never seemed to care what other people thought about her love life. She never got flustered or embarrassed like Kara did and was very blunt when anyone asked her any questions. Kara also noticed that Lena hadn't bothered to put her pajama pants back on and couldn't help staring at her thighs. Lena noticed Kara noticing and grinned, causing Kara to once again become very flustered.

Lena shifted to expose even more skin to mess with Kara and continued to look through the pile of things beside the couch. After a while, she pulled up a deck of cards with weird questions written on them.

"Get to know you questions? Really, Kara?"

"Oh those are so much fun!" Kara exclaimed enthusiastically.

"Alright," Lena smirked. "Let's answer a few then, shall we?" She began to read. "If you had to give up one of your five senses, which one would it be?"

Kara furrowed her brow. She wasn't really sure. It wouldn't be hearing because she needed her super hearing. It wouldn't be sight because she needed that to fight crime, too, and she wanted to be able to see Lena. It wouldn't be touch for a reason that made Kara blush a lot, and it wouldn't be taste because, well, potstickers, pizza, ice cream, Lena's cooking, food in general...

"It would have to be smell."

"And why is that?"

"Because it couldn't be any of the others. Process of elimination."

"I see," Lena trailed off, handing Kara the deck.

"Where do you see yourself in five years?" Kara read, giving Lena a curious look.

"Hmm... Well, realistically, I don't know, but I can tell you where I want to be: On the couch with you, Merc at our feet, wedding bands on our fingers. L-Corp will be doing well, I will have made it so that no one thinks of my awful family when they see my name, and I will be married to a very successful CatCo reporter. I'll have businessmen and businesswomen in European countries invested in L-Corp, and hopefully my company will have a base in France by then."

"Aww," Kara cooed. "That's sweet."

Truthfully, she had been disappointed that Lena hadn't said anything about kids, but they would cross that bridge when they came to it. She snapped to attention when Lena began to read the next question.

"What animal best represents you and why?"

"An eagle," Kara answered instantly.

"Why?" Lena repeated, frowning.

"Because I can fly, so that makes me bird-like, and eagles are one of the strongest birds, which accounts for my super strength, and I fight for truth, justice, and the American way, and the bald eagle is an American symbol."

"You're a puppy," Lena stated like it should be obvious.

"What, no!" Kara protested. "I'm way cooler and way tougher than a puppy."

"No, you're a puppy," Lena said. "Adorable, hyper, loyal, super cuddly, kinda clumsy, and a little bit reckless sometimes. Plus, you've got those big eyes, and I swear, if you had a tail, it would be wagging ninety eight percent of the time."

Kara blushed. She couldn't think of anything to retort. The more she thought about it, the more right Lena seemed. She cleared her throat and continued on with the game, deciding that she'd obviously lost.

"This one's a classic. If you were trapped on a desert island and could only take three things with you, what would they be?"

"A speedboat, a pack of water bottles to keep me from getting dehydrated, and you to keep me company on the journey back to the mainland," Lena answered easily. "If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go?"

"Well, I actually can travel anywhere in the world, but my favorite place is this little Grenadine island called Carriacou. It's really beautiful, especially when the sun sets over the ocean. The water is clear, so you can see all the way to the bottom, and I know where this little reef is, so I like to watch the last rays of light shine over it."

"You should take me some time. Maybe for our honeymoon?" Lena suggested.

Just the thought of a honeymoon made Lena blush. Once again, she hurriedly asked the next question.

"What do you define as a family?"

This question made her previously easy going girlfriend falter. Kara was very curious to hear Lena's answer, knowing what she had gone through as a child. She was clearly thinking very hard. After a few minutes of total silence, Lena finally began to speak. Her eyes had this glassy, far away look over them as she spoke.

"Family. People who look out for you. People who care. People who always have your back. People who love you. Unconditionally." She focused on Kara's face and she whispered the last sentence. "People like you."

Kara put her arms around a her fiancee and pressed her against her chest. She rubbed her hand up and down Lena's spine and vowed to never let her go.

"Thank you for being my family, Kara. Thank you for showing me what family means."

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