Chapter Seventeen: Tots Mcgotes

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"I could get you a job with management, if that's what you wanted."

Absolutely not.

"That's alright; I've got something else in mind." I tell him, even though I really didn't know what I wanted to do.

"Okay." He shrugs, and for a moment we sit in dead silence.

"So how've you been?" I ask him, the awkwardness inside me was bubbling and brewing in a threatening fashion. Just waiting for its chance to spew over and ruin my life.

"I've been alright." He pauses and looks at me. "I'm so glad you came today."

"I haven't came today." I tell him, mentally slapping myself as soon as I said it. "I mean yeah, I'm glad I came too." I cringe and turn away from him, averting my gaze out he window.

Louis starts chuckling, and I can't help the smile that starts to wiggle its way onto my face.

"Sometimes I think that the devil on your shoulder is naked." He tells me, hinting at something that was going straight over my head.

"Trust me, if I could sit naked on my own shoulders, I would have done it already."

"I could sit naked on your shoulder for you." Louis teasingly tells me, his ending wink causing me to let out a loud laugh.

"You laugh a lot." Louis begins, his eyes twinkling. "It's hot to see a girl laugh as much as you do."

"Well you know what they say," I start, knowing before I even said it that I should just stop. "Laughter is the eye to the brain."

Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope.

You should jump out of the cab before you make a bigger fool out of yourself.

"Huh. I've never heard that one before." Louis ponders. "Is that something you American people say?"

"Uh yeah. Totes mcgotes."


"Actually I kind of smushed together "Laughter is the key to success", "The eye is the window to the soul", and just a random body part."

"Oh well...if it makes you feel any better, I think when you laugh, I learn a lot about you."

"Mostly what I find funny."

Which is basically everything.

"What you find funny shapes your character."

"Well that was deep, Lou." I surprise myself by telling him.

"We're here." The cabby says, "7 pounds is your fee."

Louis pulls out his wallet and hands the cabby the money. He climbs out and meets me on the other side.

"I'll walk you in." he tells me, even though I already knew that's what he was planning on doing.

"Vanessa is going to be so excited to meet you." I mutter, already cringing at how my exuberant friend was going to react. She is so incredibly unpredictable.

I nervously knock twice on my dorm door before dropping my hands. I wring them together as I wait for Vanessa to pull open the door.

"I thought you said she was your roommate?" Louis questions, abnormally close to behind me for us being on such strange terms.

"She is," I stutter out, not being able to handle him being so close behind me. "I just forgot my key."

I was in such a rush, and I was so panicked about seeing him that I forgot a lot of things. Like my wallet...chap stick...and obviously my room key.

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