Chapter 1

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Today I am going to a new school I am so scared is people going to like me am I going to have any friends I am panicking.My mom brought me to school and the school was nice my locker number was 56 I went to the principal and they Said Wyatt would show me around he was really cute I wonder if he liked me.

First he showed me the English room then math,science,art,computers,lunch room they were nice.I thought I saw Wyatt looking at me but I'm not sure.He was so so so so cute.

When school started first I had math it was pretty easy but they Said it is easy today but it is going to get harder.We had 3 worksheets for homework.

Next I had English it was easy two we had 1 work sheet.Next science we got assigned groups for this assignment where there is a mystery bag and you have three people in a group and you try to feel what is in there and what you predict you then take it put and don't let the other groups see because when everyone is done you go in front the class and subscribe what it is and they try to guess it tomorrow we are going to start it.

When science was done it was lunch they had nacho mountains it was really good when lunch was over I had art we painted penguin's after art I had one more class computers we had to type.

When school was done I went home and finished my home work ate dinner we ate spaghetti.

When I was done I went upstairs I got out my phone because I got a text message it was Amanda



🐕- I am Wyatt sister

🐶- oh hi

🐕-wanna be my friend

🐶-sure you are my first friend well bye I better get ready for bed

🐕- bye

I went to brush my teeth for on my pajamas and went to bed.

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