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i woke unable to remember the dream i'd had. all i could remeber of the dream was three blades slashing towards a wall of glass. i went downstairs to get a cup of water. on my way back i heard noise coming from inside the living room. at 3 in the morning?

what i saw next will haunt me for the remainder of my days.what was once my warm cosy living room had been transformed into a cold gory scene of dark devastation. i couldnt move. i was rooted to the spot from fear.

the carpet was drenched in blood. the mirror lay shattered on the floor, broken glass scattered everywhere. the one sign of life was that the tv was on. even though the screen was cracked beyond repair the evening news could still be heard.

"reports of a gas explosion in an office building that killed over 50 people have just reached us here at..."

surely this was part of my crazy dream. i couldnt believe anything. then without warning the tv turned off plunching the room into complete darkness. the deafening silence was worse than the death reports. then suddenly out of the silence came a curious, tuneful yet unhinged childs voice


where was it?

"tom? i can see you tom. im hiding tom. come and find me tom.

if i thought i was scared then, it was nothing compared to how scared i was after it spoke again.

"come and find me tom. before i find you. i can see you tom. im watching!"

at that i ran. i ran for my life. i heared the creak and slam of a cupboard door open and close.

"im coming tom. im coming!"

unstoppable fear flooded though me. i crashed into the kitchen and rammed the table infront of the door. i wanted to arm myself against whatever was chasing me. i pulled open the knife drawer to find that all the blades had been removed. instead there was a gleaming hand mirror. i recognised it it was my mums, only it had what look like blood stains on the handle, and someone had carved a triangle with a small cross in the middle into the back.

i looked into the mirror and someone else looked back at me. everything was silent apart from my heavy breathing. i stared at the only part of the face i could see. a single eye, only the eye was entirely white, apart from a single black cross in the centre which must be the pupil, as i watched a single tear of blood trickled from the corner of the eye.

"tom? why do you run?"

the voice sounded sad but it still made my skin crawl.

"tom? im coming!"


. i ran into the halland out into the street. every house was a blackened shell of what it used to be. all were burning, casting huge flickering shadows across the glistening tarmac. i heard the front door slam behind me.

"tom? i can see you tom. i found you tom. i win tom. you lose tom. i found you!!!"

i made it two steps. then pain shot through me.

flickering shadows..... purple sky....... red blood...... black everything... black evreything.... i lost......

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2013 ⏰

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