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The last words I remember saying are, "Let's go home," to my dear friend, Kaneki. The situation is very confusing, but let's just say we were fighting against not-so-good people. 

When I woke up, I was lying down on my back on a cold, hard floor. Although I felt weak, I gained the strength to rake my fingers on the ground to feel the almost metallic, patterned texture. I tried to open my eyes, but couldn't because of the pain. I lied there, breathing heavily but trying to calm myself down. I didn't feel any pain in my stomach area, where I remember being wounded before. 

I think maybe two minutes passed by before I could finally opened my eyes. I slowly opened my eyes to see nothing but a gleaming white light. It wasn't blinding, however. It was fairly dimmed. I lifted my head to look around, and saw nothing but the white and blankness. I still felt weak, but I gained the strength the get up and look around. 

I had a small pain in my head, so I put my right hand over my head, thumb and ring finger on my forehead with my eyes squinted. I began to slowly walk around and explore my surroundings. All I could see was white. I couldn't tell where the room started and stopped. I couldn't identify any walls. As I was walking, the floor suddenly fell below me. 

As I was falling, I closed my eyes in fear that I was going to hit the same cold, hard ground I was laying on before. Instead, by the time I thought I would land, I was still in the air falling. I slowly opened my eyes to see that I was still falling, and around me were large what seemed to be TV screens playing moments of my life. The sound of the screens overlapped eachother. For the first few seconds, there were only a few TVs around me, playing some of my early childhood moments, such as my first walk and my first talk. The amount of TV screens playing my memories gradually increased. I could see the memories of going to my first school, and getting my first A on my first test, and small, trivial things such as that. I could also see the more important times, like meeting my dear friend, Kaneki. 

And that's when it hit me. Before I ended up wherever I ended up, I was with Kaneki, fighting to save him and attempt to make everything go back to normal. I tried moving around, but I physically couldn't. I could move my arms and my torso, but I couldn't move my legs. All I could do was fall. Fall down through the spiral of memories and milestones in my life. 

By the time I wanted to move around at my own will, the screens were playing through the time period where Kaneki first became a ghoul. So, I didn't bother panicking further because my memories were almost over. Suddenly, I turned around to see a blank space in the screens where screens should've been, but weren't. I felt my falling slow down a bit. In the blank space of screens, I could see thick, black letters slowly appearing. 

"You are in the transitional phase between living and nonliving." 

The black words imprinted themselves into my brain. Did I die while trying to save Kaneki?

"You may either reset your brain in this life and move onto the next life, or rest in peace. What is your decision? You have 3 minutes to decide before a choice is randomly selected."

This decisions was so sudden and I wasn't prepared. I don't want to move onto the next life, all I want is to safe Kaneki. As I was debating, the letters A and B replaced the previous text in the empty section of screens.  

"If you would like to move onto the next life, please select A. If you would like to rest in peace, please select B. You have 1 minute remaining before an option is randomly selected."

Move onto the next life. Rest in peace. Move onto the next life. Rest in peace. I don't know what to do. Within the text where the number one was, the number was changing as a counter to indicate how much time I had left to decide. The numbers were constantly changing. 

The timer began to tick. I only had 10 seconds left to decide, and I hadn't decided whether I wanted to rest in peace or move onto the next life. I didn't want to make the decision. However, my senses came to me. I decided that I was going to rest in peace so that someday, I could see Kaneki again. 

I turned to face the timer and select letter B. When I began to lift my right hand to indicate the letter B, the timer buzzed. My time was up. 

"You have failed to select a decision, therefor a choice will randomly be selected." The letters A and B began to light up yellow back and forth, imitating Roulette. Before I knew it, the light on letter A lit up and did not alternate to letter B. The randomized decision meant that I would have to reset my mind and move onto the next life. 

"Letter A was selected. You will be reseting your mind in this life and moving onto the next life." A red button on a tall, wooden podium appeared in front of me. On the red button read "RESET" on bold white letters. "Please press the button. If you do not press the button within 10 seconds, the button will be pressed for you," the letters changed. 

Right in front of me appeared a timer counting down from 10. The letters were in a large, digital red font. I knew I didn't have any other choice but to press the button. The counter reached 8.. 7.. 6.. 5.. 4.. I pressed the button. 

"Because you pressed the button on your own accord, you will be allowed to hear through the ears of your mortal body."

A screen appeared replacing the timer that was there before. All that was on the screen was black. The sound of rain was the only thing that could be heard. Suddenly, footsteps could be heard nearing my body. There was a pause before anything else. 

"I'm sorry, Hide. You deserved so much better. I love you so much. Rest in peace, my friend," whispered the sweet, sad, grieving voice of my dear friend, Kaneki. 

The screen closed and the podium with the reset button disappeared. I turned around to see all of the TV screens disappearing. I turned to where the podium was to see more black letters. 

"Good luck in your next life, Hideyoshi Nagachika."

RESET- Kaneki x Hide, Tokyo Ghoul FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now