Something Precious

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AN: Yo, yo, wazup?! It's me, I'm back, and I got a new chap! Wow, I should be a rapper!
Danny: no, please don't.
Me: pshhh! Haters gonna hate! Well anyways, I should explain somethings,

1: Danielle is a boy, in this AU his name is Dante.
2: TUE never happened! And I'm sorry to say, that Clockwork will not be able to intervene with this story. I have nothing against Clockwork, I actually really like him, he just won't work in this story.
3: Jazz did not find out about Danny, as in this story he is too careful to be caught. Ok, no more rambling, on with the chapter!


After I disappeared, everyone went into different kinds of shock. Most citizens went running around like headless chickens, the people I knew were frozen in fear of what I would do to them, and my "family" started up a resistance against me. Ha, as if a group of humans could stop me.

Focusing in on my surroundings, I saw I was in an alley way, it was dark, dirty and full of trash, there was even a few rats feasting on what looked like a box of onion rings. I was looking for Dante, not some gross place were people put their garbage.

As I was about to leave, I heard a muffled "help" and a round of kicking. Normally I wouldn't get caught up in some petty human affair, but that voice sounded startlingly familiar. As I traveled farther down into the alley way, it got darker, and harder to see. Thank god I have enhanced vision. What I saw next made me see red. I saw Dante with cuts and bruises littering his skin, blood gushing from the worse ones. He was very dirty, like he hadn't seen a bathroom in months, he also had bags under his eyes, on of which was black from a black eye. Then, next to him were some punks beating him up. I did the only thing I could think of. I lunged.

Dante POV

"Uuuuugghh, I'm so hungry." I whispered to myself as I curled up into tighter ball. I was tired, hungry, thirsty, and completely filthy. I've been living on the streets, seeing the world. It's not all it's cut out to be, especially if you have no money. All I want was to be held in Danny's warm caring arms, he may not know this, but I think of him as a father. I want nothing more than to go and live with him, and be a family, but he probably doesn't feel the same.

I hear voices coming into the alley I'm taking refuge in, they sound like a gang of delinquents, I was about to turn invisible, but just my luck, one of them saw me.

"Oi! Fellas, loo' wha' we 'ave 'ere" he sneered in a nosy, arrogant voice, he smiled, showing his yellow and brown teeth. Feeling brave, I muttered,

"Just leave me alone." That didn't go well.

"Loo's like we 'ave a smart mouth 'ere, we don' like gettin' bossed around, let's beat some sense inta this brat." He smirked and started advancing on me, I felt a powerful kick to the head, and was knocked onto the brick wall behind me.

They kept on hitting me, I felt every hit, enough that it really hurt, but not enough to knock me unconscious. All I could do was mutter a small "help", and accept my beating. This continued until I felt a familiar, but all the same terrifying aura that I had only ever felt once, with...


Soon, all the pain stopped, only to be replaced by pain filled screams that weren't my own. I heard the tear of flesh and animalistic growls and roars of anger. I was too scared to look up at the inevitable sight that would greet me. Eventually everything quieted down. I then heard the snap of the leaders neck, right after the hissed sentence,

"This is what happens when you mess with my son."

His... son? Danny thinks of me as his son? I gather up my courage, and turn my head towards the scene.




Pure gore.

My breath hitches as I see a tall figure. Like really tall figure, at least seven feet. They look like the embodiment of space, with nine thick, long tendrils coming from their back. I can't help but stare at the beauty, despite the fact that they just brutally murdered about 15 people. They turn to stare at me, and my eyes widen in amazement.

Hair dripping stars, pale skin shining and sparkling, pointed elfin ears, and two all too familiar blue shining eyes, crying space.

My breathing hitched once again, as I realized who this was.


I get up, wobbling a little, and run over to him for a big hug. He leans down and returns it with just as much vigour. He checks me over and breaths a sigh of relief, apparently I'm ok.

"Oh thank god, I thought I lost the one person I actually care about, never, ever leave me again, ok Dante?" I just nod and bury my face into the crook of his neck, relieved that I never have to leave him. Though, there are some things I really want answered.

"Danny, why did you call me your son?" I hear him freeze, but then sigh.

"Because I care about you more than you will ever know, and your the only person I care about. I love you like a son, and I always have. Will you do me the honour of being your father?" I look up at his hopeful eyes that look like they're waiting for rejection, my tear streaked face gives a hundred watt smile and I hug him even harder.

"O-of I'll be your son, your the only person to ever show me kindness, and any real parental concern. I love you... Dad."

He looked surprised, then over joyed, he picked me up and flew up in the sky whooping in joy.

AN: ok... Danny is still evil, he just really loves and cares about Dante in a fatherly way, so when he's around him, Danny will open up.
Vlad: * sigh* just like me-
Danny: couldn't have put it better myself.

Me: now, back to the story, and I'm very sorry about

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Me: now, back to the story, and I'm very sorry about... that.

After Dad got all his shits and giggles out, we landed on the ground still laughing. He didn't put me down though, probably a good thing, considering I just got wailed on, and my legs aren't working properly. Now that our relationship has been specified, I should get onto the more obvious question. Why does he look this way?

"Hey dad?" I asked, looking up at him, him being the height he is, and me being about 4'10", you can imagine how much I have to strain my eleven year old neck.

"Yes?" He asked, curiousness evident in his voice.

"What happened to you since I saw you last?" He seemed to be thinking about his reply. Eventually, he reached a conclusion.

"I'll tell you, just not here." With that, he created a portal that looked like a black hole, and we disappeared from the human world.

AN: ta-da! Done, review please, love you guys, baye!

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