Playing the Part

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AN: Hey! I'm back! I'm going to update because someone was nice enough to review! You know who you are, so this chapter is dedicated to you. Hope you enjoy!
Danny: I know I will! HAHAHAHAHA!
Me: HAHAHAHA! *hemhem* now, on with story!

Disclaimer: I only own the story line and any OCs that may appear.

Chapter 1: Playing the Part

Danny pov

I sat down in my bed, playing with some stars I manifested in my hand, their beauty always rendered me to stare in awe. The way they glow blue white and yellow, how they make the human race seem like insignificant little ants. It's one of the reasons I don't want to be human. They are pitiful, disgusting creatures the are driven by greed, and their own personal desires. That's why I did this, so I could rule over them, give them discipline and and keep them in check so they don't ruin everything else I find beautiful.

I sigh as I hear footsteps coming towards my room. I let the stars dissipate back into ectoplasm, which then fades into nothing. I let my eyes go back to normal as I see the silhouette of feet come from the under glow of the door.

"Danny?" Oh. Jazz is here.

"What do you want?" I snap harshly, barely suppressing an enraged snarl. But I keep my cool. I always keep my cool.

Jazz POV (yay.)

My parents sent me up to go get Danny. They obviously didn't want to, and I don't really blame them. Ever since Danny was a young child, he gave out this... aura. The way he held himself, how he talked, even how how looked at things. You always wanted to drop your gaze and make yourself as small as possible. Every one that's been around him knows this too. It's most likely the reason he gets ignored a lot. No one wants to be owned by that feeling, but no one wants to find out what he's capable of if you do end up talking to him.

As he got older, and matured, the aura only got stronger. Then, out of the blue, it became so strong you could barely be in the same room with him, until you just wanted to get on your knees and submit to his will. It was the strangest thing.

I soon walked up to the door that mirrored the beauty of space via paint. I could feel his eyes on me through the door, cold and icy as possible. Hesitantly I Part my lips to speak, though it sounds like a whimper.

"Danny?" Almost immediately, I get a response

"What do you want?" He snapped back at me, fear quickly started bubbling in my chest, instincts screaming to run, that I angered some kind of monster that could crush me by its very whim.

"M-mom and d-dad wa-anted you t-to come d-do-own." Almost immediately he is at the door, harshly swinging open the masterpiece he created himself. If there was one thing he could do, it would be arts, music, singing, painting, drawing, writing, you name it he could do it.

His cold blue eyes meet my teal ones, you know I have never truly admired what Danny had to offer in the looks department. He was about 5'8" with nicely defined muscles, pale porcelain skin, a small amount of freckles dusted on his nose and cheeks, ink black hair that looked like it was dripping what it was coloured after, that framed his handsome face nicely, and his eyes. Oh his eyes were the bluest thing I have ever seen. They glow with power and an unwavering promise of unimaginable pain to those who dare look at him the wrong way. I don't notice I'm staring until a scowl carves its way into his angelic face.

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