"Yeah, that's it." She lies.

Back at school, Stefan and I are helping paint the floats for Founder's Day. I move to get more paint our of the bucket, but I nudge it and get paint all over my shirt. Stefan looks over at me and begins to laugh.

"Dammit." I cuss under my breath. "I mean, it's just a shirt right?" Stefan says.

"My dad gave me this shirt." I say. Stefan's smile turns to a frown. I jump off the float and begin to head inside the school.

I open my locker, and take of my shirt. I grab a red sweatshirt and put it on. I close my locker to see Stefan. "Look, I'm sorry. I had no idea." I shrug. "It's fine." I hug him.

"We should get back to the float or else Caroline's gonna kill us." I turn around, but I hear a snapping noise. I glance behind me to see Stefan on the ground, and a familiar face. "Isobel?" She smiles at me.

"Hello, Blake. I'm gonna need you to come with me." I turn around, and begins to run, but she appears in front of me.

"Wrong choice." She says before slamming my head into the locker.

I wake up on a white couch. A man and a woman are dancing, and Isobel is sitting on a chair across the room from me. She looks up at me for her book. "You two. Leave." She says as the man and woman dancing leave the room.

"What am I doing here?" She smiles at me. "You are my leverage. I need the device from Elena and I need it now." She exclaims. I feel I pain on my wrist, and I look down to see marks.

"Did you feed on me?" I ask.

"No, but some of my friends did." I wipe my thumb over it, it's still fresh.

"How long have I been out for?"

"And hour or two." She says. She looks up at the clock. "You've awoken just in time, we should get going."

"Where are we going?"

"To get the device, of course."

Isobel's minion ties a rope tight around my wrist, and kicks me down onto my knees. I look around the park, no one. Isobel's minions swoosh away.

"They've got five minutes to get us the device, or else..." she trails off. "Or else what?" I ask, concerned. "Or else we'll have to kill you, Blake." I hear footsteps walk up the path, as Elena appears.

"Where's the device?" Isobel asks.

"First, you give me back my brother." Elena demands, Isobel laughs.

"He's not your brother, Elena." Isobel teases.

"Do you want your device or not?" Elena snaps. "Do you really think I cam alone?" She asks, as her minions reappear. "Do you really think I came alone?" Elena asks, as Stefan and Damon appear.

"For god sakes, here!" Isobel throws me over, Stefan catches me. "Blake, are you okay?" He asks. I nod, as Stefan tears the ropes off my wrists, and we hug.

"Get him out of here." Elena orders. Stefan whooshes me away.

Stefan pushes me up against the wall, he kisses me, and I kiss him back. Stefan picked me up, and kicks the door to his bedroom open, he puts me down and we both pull back. I unzip my sweatshirt and take it off.

"I was so worried about you, about what she'd do to you." Stefan says while unbuckling his belt. I help him take of his shirt. "I thought she was gonna kill you." He says. "Well I'm fine. So instead of worrying about everything that just happened, how about we take our minds of it." I announce before continuing to make out with Stefan. He pushes me down on the bed, and gets onto of me.

"Great idea." He begins kissing my neck, and pining my hands behind my head, he pulls back and looks up. "They fed on you?" He asks. I look up at my wrist.

"Yeah, but it's fine, I swear." I looks at my wrist, examining it. I take my other hand and pull his face into an embrace. "Stefan, right now we have more important things to focus on other than the fact that those freaks fed on me." I kiss him. "Let it go." He nods before making out with me once more.

this chapter really isn't that long... sorry. I already wrote the next few chapters, and they are a lot longer so yea

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